Different lakes.

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Chapter 13

I decided to go to the lake, the same one I went to earlier today. I drove down the rocky road, with the willow trees hitting the car on my way there.

I got to the parking lot, and parked close to the lake. I got out and opened the trunk. I grabbed the body wrapped in bloody blankets and towels, and dragged him to the dock in the lake.

I left him at the dock so I could go grab my knife from the car. I ran to the car, up the slight hill to the parking lot and unlocked the car. I looked up to see flashing red and blue lights. I grabbed my knife and quickly put it in my bra agin. I moved my body out of the car again.

"Freeze!" the cop said with a gun pointing to me.

"What seems to be the problem officer?" I asked him with my hands in the air.

"What are you doing here so late?" He asked.

"I was just gonna have a late night picnic." I lied to him.

"Oh. Wait. Where are you items?" He asked me looking into the trunk.

"There at the dock." I said pointing at the dock with my thumbs.

He looked behind me still pointing the gun at me.

"Why is there blood all over you?" He asked looking at my dress.

"I'm in theatre, I just got back from doing the play." I told him.

"What did they use for the blood?" He asked.

"Corn syrup, the stuff they used in Carrie." I told him.

"Oh. Sorry to bother you." He said.

"It's alright." I said putting my hands back down.

"One more thing." He said "May I look at your blankets closer? Something doesn't seem right. You out late at night, the bunched up blankets at the dock." he said.

"Oh, yea for sure go ahead." I said stepping away.

I watched him walk down the slight hill to the dock, the grads was wet, the street pole lamp was on. I saw him walk out of the light distance. He turned on his flashlight. He walked back to me. "Everything seems to be fine, again sorry to bother you." He said.

"No problem, I know how it must seem." I said while chuckling after to make him still think nothing is wrong.

He nodded his head and walked away to his car. He drove off and left my sight. I sighed in relief. I ran down to George's body and unwrapped him. I took my knife out of my bra and grabbed his arm. I started cutting him arm, I had an idea about how to hide him. I got to his bone and some blood was getting in the dock, I brought him over to the edge of the dock so the blood would get in the water instead.

Finally, his arm was off. I put the towel to his shoulder so the blood wouldn't get everywhere. I wrapped him back up and dragged him back to the trunk, I closed the trunk and walked to the end of the dock with his arm in my hand.

I stared off into the dark dim lit lake for a moment, the moon had risen up from the mountain across from the lake. There were so many stars out in the sky. How many more will there be? I looked at my hand, I was holding his arm. I brought myself back to what I was doing. I threw his arm into the lake, I threw him as far as I could. I stayed there for another moment just staring at the spot his arm was sinking in.

I turned around and started walking to the car. I locked the trunk and opened the car door. I started the engine and backed up out of there quickly. I got to the rocky road beside the parking lot. The trees hitting the car again.

I got to the main road and drove to a big green garbage can in an alley, the alley I went to go look for Stu the night he shot himself. I got out of the car, there were drug addicts in that alley. I opened the trunk and put his other arm out of the trunk. I started cutting him away forgetting who I was. The blood started dripping to the ground, making a puddle.

I got his other arm off, I pushed him back in, and I closed the trunk. I walked to the garbage can and threw his arm in there.

"Hey pretty lady, spare some change." He said smirking and winking at me.

"No." I said to him blankly walked to the car door.

I got in, shit. I can't do all of this in one night. I thought to myself. I decided to drive home. I was driving down the dark road with leaves on the ground. I got to my neighbourhood and got to my house. I drove into the driveway to the shed. I hopped out and opened the trunk. I dragged him out to the shed and hid him in there. I knew it was the perfect spot to hide him there because I knew that there was bleach, and thing to clean up the trunk with.

I grabbed the bleach and grabbed one of the towel hanging from my aunts cleaning line in the backyard. I bleached it and started cleaning.

The trunk interior was white and clean now. I threw the stuff back in the shed and locked it up. I closed the trunk and crept up the small set of stairs to the back porch, and walked to the living room window. It was a big window, so I could fit in there. The window was wide open, I crawled in, then I closed the window. I walked to my aunts key bowl and put her keys away.

I went to the washroom and cleaned my hands, then I grabbed my snack. I turned off all the lights downstairs and slowly, quietly walked up the stairs. I went to my room and changed my clothes, when I went to the washroom I saw in the mirror, I tried cleaning off the blood with my hand towel and soap. It was kind of stained onto my face. Oh well. I guess I'll stick with that I'm in theatre acting now.

I walked upstairs and got ready for bed, the stairs were clean white and the rails were too. It was cold. My window was open but I was too lazy to close it. I crawled into bed and went to sleep in the cold.

this one is short, and I haven't been writing a lot because of school, and I'm a pro master at procrastinating so sorry for the wait.

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