Listen to your hyungs!

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It wasn't uncommon for the members  of BTS to invite staff over to their place for meals and get togethers during their downtime. The staff and the members had developed a strong relationship with eachother after working together for so many years. They trusted eachother. Everyone was more like a giant family rather than coworkers.

When a new staff member, named Kan, started working with the crew a few weeks ago, the members had been meaning to invite him over to hang out sometime so they could get to know eachother better. Unfortunately everyone's schedules had been so busy that the members and Kan could never find the time.

The members liked Kan, he was a great worker and great team player. He was also very respectful to the members and everyone around him, the members were happy with Bighits decision to hire such a great guy. Kan seemed like a rather reserved guy, he was never one to draw attention to or talk about himself much. Yoongi especially respected that, as Yoongi found himself to be the same way sometimes. He knew they'd get along great.

For the first time in what felt like months, everyone would finally have a few days off. Namjoon decided now would be a perfect time to invite their new crew member over to hang out, maybe have a few drinks together while getting to know eachother more.

"I'd love that", Kan replied. He'd also been looking forward to the day he'd get to go hang out at BTS' dorm. He thought they were a great group of guys. Well, almost great. He thought they were all cool, except something always irked him about Taehyung. Yet he couldn't fully understand what. He thought Taehyung was a bit strange in the head, kind of weird, always off in his own world. Taehyung would act strange or act in ways on set that would highly annoy Kan, but he kept it to himself. It's not like he was going to walk up to a member of the biggest boy band in the world and say "Stop being yourself, you're annoying." He knew ARMY's would have his head on a platter. He figured he'd have a fun time, as long as Taehyung stayed out of his hair. He'd worked with the group long enough to know that the maknae line was a chaotic dynamic. He had no idea how the hyung line had so much patience.

He really didnt, because Kan himself did not have that same patience.


The members were hanging out at home on Friday night when Kan came knocking at the door. Everyone was excited to get to know this new member of their family. He even showed up with adult beverages for everyone, actually quite a lot of adult beverages.

"Jeez what did you do rob a liquor store?!" Jimin was amazed by how much alcohol Kan actually brought.

"Oh no, half of this is just from my house," Kan laughed.

"YOUR HOUSE?!" All the members replied in unison.  Why did he have so much alcohol in his house? They all wondered.

"You have all worked so hard , I figured we could just let loose for a night!" Kan exclaimed as he placed everything down in their kitchen.

Jungkook tugged at Yoongi's shirt sleeve and Yoongi could see the concern in his eyes. "Ah Jungkook-ah, don't worry. I dont know about Kan but you know hyungs wont over-drink. We know it scares you." He patted jungkook on the shoulder while his maknae smiled. Apparently nobody happened to inform Kan that the maknae of BTS was pretty much terrified of drunk people. He got extremely nervous if someone around him was too intoxicated. Dont get him wrong, he loved having a drink or two with his hyungs and relaxing, but thats all it ever was. His hyungs knew about his anxiety so never allowed themselves to get drunk when he was around. They'd also listen immediately if he asked them to stop drinking because he thought they've had too much. The hyungs were almost grateful for Jungkook's anxiety because it meant they all stayed straight and never over did it leading to something stupid. They always called their maknae's fear 'a blessing in disguise'.

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