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Yo, I decided to write in this story again 😋

"Beomgyu, may I see you after class?" His English Teacher asked him, shuffling through today's homework.

"Ah, yes sir. Is there something wrong?" Beomgyu questions, a look of confusion on his face.

"Yeah, there is." The bell then rings, indicating the end of the school day. "Come now." The teacher says, leading Beomgyu out of the classroom and into an empty room of just walls and a countertop.

"What are we doing in here?" Beomgyu asks.

The teacher grabs his wrist and drags him to the counter, throwing a file on top. "Please open that and look at it." He said, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning against the empty wall.

"Uhh.. ok?" Beomgyu opens the file, his eyes growing wider every second. "What is this...?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

In the file was a bunch of pictures of Beomgyu. A bunch of inappropriate pictures of Beomgyu.

"I.. uh.." Beomgyu's voice broke as these pictures reminded him of plenty of things he never wanted to remember. His eyes suddenly filled with tears and his head started spinning.

"Beomgyu? You alright?" The teacher asks, full alert now as he saw the boy's skin turning more pale. "Beomgyu!" He shouts.

Beomgyu is now on the floor with blood flowing from his head. He fainted, when he fell he hit the counter. Too bad he's still conscious, it hurts like hell.

"Oh my god.." the teacher panics. He calls the nurse to come straight away, as well as the higher ups, like the ambulance.

As two nurses hoisted Beomgyu onto a stretcher, Taehyun was around the corner minding his own business before seeing them. He didn't see exactly who was on the stretcher, but he was curious.

"Hey, Mr. Nam. What's happening here?" Taehyun asks his English teacher who was still in panic mode.

"Ah, Taehyun. You see, Beomgyu here-"

"Wait, Beomgyu?!" Taehyun cut him off with a worried look on his face, whipping his head back in Beomgyu's direction.

He didn't know why, but seeing Beomgyu there made it seem like the whole world went quiet, frozen in place.

He was brought back to his senses when Beomgyu's eye twitched. "Beomgyu.." Taehyun repeated.

Like a miracle, Beomgyu's eyes opened a bit. He scanned the area with shaking eyes, the rest of his body incapable off moving.

"Tae..hyun..ie.." Beomgyu says, inaudible to everyone but Taehyun.

"You'll be ok, I know you will." Taehyun's pained voice hurt him. It hurt his heart.

That was the last thing Beomgyu heard that day.

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