Fuck school. Seriously the biggest fuck you to school. Oh how happy I would be if that shit would just cease to exist.
Listen aight, growing up I was quite the overachiever. I was the bitch that wouldn't sleep to study, cancel planes to study, not eat to study and etc. I came home with top marks or else I would just have a mini panic attack. Thing is my parents never put pressure on me to perform above average, they just kind off excepted. And that was on me for being a somewhat "gifted kid" or whatever.
But now omfg. School is hard, and I'm stupid and I can't keep it up anymore. I hate talking and reacting and being in it. It's so fucking tiring to just respond in a conversation or speak with others. And the material and courses are testing me fr. I'm currently taking my first psychics class and holy fuck it's literally beating my ass. Math too man, shit is so fucking hard. I've quite literally convinced myself that those two bitches are just fiction, shit that isn't real but humans kind of said they were and kind of just left it at that.
Also exams are so annoying to study for, I just want to lie in my bed and scroll between the 4 apps on my phone, sporadically.
OH AND THE TEACHERS ARE EVEN WORSE. It's no secret that I've become more depressed since last semester, and it's visible to a degree I guess. And the teacher, especially this one just won't let it go. I would have felt more at ease if maybe she just was a bit more like chill about it but nah she's just one of those people who are like take a walk, eat healthy, be with friends. Like yeah shit like that would make one happy, but I don't want to happy anymore. I just don't want to be anything Debra so leave me the fuck alone.