Help Me

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"Tubbo I'm sorry but Ranboo died, Sam killed him" Techno announced, watching Tubbo freeze. "Tubbo I'm so sorry, Ranboo gave me a picture before he died, here" Techno said as he handed Tubbo the note and stepped back to give him space. Tubbo slowly took the note and looked at it, "Michael" he sniffled quietly. "About that, who's Michael?" Techno asked. "Just... follow me" Tubbo said as he started walking into a house and climbed up a ladder with Techno following. Techno heard an oink, leaving him confused as he closed the latch and looked around, seeing Tubbo hugging a baby piglin on the floor. "This is Michael?" He said confusedly. Tubbo nodded, quietly crying into Michael's jumper. "Is he like a friend or what?". "H-he's my son, mine and Ranboo's son" Tubbo answered. "Wait yours AND Ranboos? You were both dating?" Techno said confusedly. Tubbo held his hand up, showing Techno the ring. "Oh wow I was not expecting this" Techno laughed to himself.

"Mhm, d-does Tommy know?" Tubbo sniffled as he put Michael down and stood back up. "I don't think so, wanna go see him?" Techno said. Tubbo nodded as he led the way to Tommys dirt house. "W-what actually happened" he asked. Techno explained everything that happened with Sam, Ranboo, Dream and everyone else there, he explained how he tried to break Dream out of prison but, (only in this book not in the actual lore), failed and was only able to get Ranboo out. "S-so this is all Sam's fault" Tubbo said, feeling his fists clench. "Pretty much yeah" Techno answered as they got onto the prime path.

They soon saw Phil walking out of Tommys house. "Hey Phil" Techno waved. "Oh hey guys" Phil smiled as he walked over to them. "Where's Tommy" Tubbo asked. "In his house, why? Is everything alright?" Phil said concernedly. Tubbo quickly ran past Phil and into the house. "Hey- Tubbo?" Tommy said as he opened the door from his bedroom and walked closer. Tubbo broke down as he fell to the ground. "Hey hey, it's ok, what happened?" Tommy said as he quickly ran over to Tubbo and hugged him. "R-Ranboo's gone" Tubbo whispered. "What do you-" "RANBOOS GONE" Tubbo cried out as he punched the ground with the sides of his fists. "You mean gone as in dead? Ranboo can't be dead, he has like 24 totems of undying" Tommy said as he helped Tubbo stand up and held him. "B-but Techno said that he broke Ranboo out of prison, meaning he would've had nothing. Sam took him as a hostage to get revenge on Techno for breaking Ranboo out but Sam k-killed him anyway" Tubbo explained through sobs.

Tommy paused for a second, trying to stay strong for Tubbo if Techno was really telling the truth. "Ok, it's ok, you're going to be ok" he said as he slowly rubbed Tubbos back. "He's gone Tommy" Tubbo's cry was muffled from his face being buried into Tommys shoulder. "I know, it's going to be ok" Tommy comforted him. Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door behind Tubbo. "Hey guys, me and Techno are gonna go home but if you need us then we'll stay" Phil called out from behind the door. Tommy gave Phil a thumbs up before going back to holding Tubbo. "T-Tommy what am I going to do about M-Michael" Tubbo cried more. "I'll help you take care of him, I may not be Ranboo but I am your best friend and I'm going to help you through this ok" Tommy reassured Tubbo as he nodded. "Do you want to go and see Michael now?" He asked Tubbo as he nodded once again. Tommy held Tubbo's hand as he brought him back to Michael.

"Oink!" Michael cheered happily. Tubbo quickly let go of Tommys hand and ran over to Michael before sweeping him off the floor and hugging him tightly. Tommy closed the latch as he watched Tubbo break down again, it hurt to see his best friend like this but he couldn't do anything about it. He noticed Michael trying to get away but Tubbo wasn't noticing. "Tubbo let go" Tommy said gently as he walked over to them. "Tubbo you're going to break the poor kids spine" he said as he grabbed Michael off Tubbo and put him down. "WHAT AM I GONNA DO I CANT DO ANYTHING" Tubbo cried. "I don't know but I'm here for you, I promise I'm not going to leave you like this" Tommy said as he quickly hugged Tubbo, making sure he wouldn't fall to the ground again. "I don't know what to do anymore" Tubbo cried into Tommys shoulder as he let Tommy hold him. "The sun is setting, come on, let's go back to the mansion" Tommy said as he held Tubbo's hand again. "Wait! One last hug before I go" Tubbo said as he quickly went back to hugging Michael before putting him back down and walking out with Tommy.

Tommy brought Tubbo back to the mansion and to bed. "Try and get some sleep ok" he smiled as Tubbo got comfy. "A-are you going to leave?" Tubbo asked. "No, I'm not going anywhere until I know you're ok" Tommy smiled as he sat down against the wall next to the bed. "O-ok" Tubbo stuttered as he closed his eyes, not feeling as lonely as he had when he was with Techno but still feeling very lonely. *He's really gone* he thought before falling asleep with a final tear falling onto his pillow.

Sorry this chapter is quite short, it's the first chapter so it was bound to be short lol

962 words

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