Change My Mind

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"I don't know if I'll ever love someone as great as Harry so that's why I never want to forget this feeling.

That's why I'm scared of moving on. I don't want to forget what it feels like to be in love with Harry Styles especially the feeling I got when Harry used to love me back.


This is a book I think every girl should read because I feel like it sets the perfect example of what a real life, healthy relationship should look like! One of the things I love most about this book is the fact that it is both Lily and Harry making mistakes and not just Harry. I'm so many books I've read, it's just the guy messing up and feeling unworthy of the girl and the girl takes him back every time. This book is nothing like that and I love it! Another thing I love about this book is it focuses a lot on forgiveness and apologies. The main characters make mistakes but they always know when they are in the wrong and they aren't too prideful to ask for forgiveness which I think is a really important lesson to learn. So please read this book even if you aren't a Harry girl or even a 1D fan because everyone should see what a good healthy relationship is like.

Please like and comment! If you guys had read these stories tell me what you think or tell me about other stories you think I should put on here.
I am running out of stories to read!! If you guys have a favorite story or if you written your own story please let me know in comments and I will be happy to read it:)

I have made a reading list what has all of the book ms I've written about in this book so it will be easier for you all to read these amazing books!

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