You Wish For

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            It has been said many times, to be careful what you wish for. For many hope to be a super hero, and get no power, just problems. All want more, but what will you get more of?

There was a meeting of seven famous, yet dangers humans. These seven folks where invited by a popular billionaire to his mansion. This billionaire's name was Jay Turdner, producing movies, and excellent decisions in the Market, made this man quite a pocket full of money. But life is dull always when there's nothing to do. So like all brilliant people, he decided to spice up his life, with famous, yet polarizing folks. Seven, a magnificent number, were invited to this party, none of the invites know of the other invitees. The meal was set for a wicked night on late October day. A blooding storm was rising from the west, and battered everything in its way.

"Doom, and gloom the perfect evening" said Jay to himself. At eight sharp the first of the guest arrived. This guest was a sports figure, who had won five too many championships to be well like, his name is Matt Gormormor. Each guests, when arrived, was placed in a different room while Jay waited for all to be there before the dinner could beginning. After all these great people had arrived, Jay called them all into the dining room. He quickly got to the table, and waited to see the face of all his guests when they met one another. Smiling inwardly and outwardly, Jay watched as all the guests saw each other. All their faces fell, and a mask of politeness was soon forcibly pulled on. After being seated, served, and making polished compliments to the host, and chief. All seven pulled out their phones, and started acting like a modern family. This unlocked an achievement in Jay's mind, but he did want a few rousing arguments. Hoping to start a fire, he started commentating on such controversial matters as religion, and politics. But their politeness was not easily pulled off, but Jay finally hit the right combination. Another achievement unlocked, thought Jay to himself, this will be fun. Much to Jay's delight, the guests' mask were off, and vicious people came out. Dogs were showing up in these humans, maybe they were devolving, or maybe they were just naturally dogs. But barking was soon heard, and with no leash there was no restraint. The night soon was thrown into chaos, tables were turned, and threats had become common place. Jay felt he had come to the height of his being, just to be able to sit back, relax, and see the best live TV possible. But with everything in life, especially things we deem 'good for the soul' Jay wanted more. So in an 'accident' the waiter 'accidently' left his knife in the room.

(We move into first-person-view of Jay) Ah, a weapon, wouldn't this be interesting! Incredible, the angriest of the pack got the weapon, someone is going to get hurt tonight. Look at his eyes, how they glare, evil the look he has. He is walking towards us, what a show it will be! He is walking toward me, Oh, if I only had a camera to capture that look in his eyes. I could make a killing! If I could capture just a third of that in a movie.   He is getting closer, the danger is heightening. I may need to move, but he would never go for me. If he does though, these find guests would protect me. Oh, if l could give this feeling to any audience, I would change the world. Shakespeare, Tolkien, Hitchcock, and Turdner, isn't that a great list. Kids will study my works for years to come, this will impact the worl...he is getting closer! Oh, this is intense, should I do a Dutch tilt or vertigo effect? Maybe I should do an overhead, and come down, zooming into those eyes, oh those eyes...He is now five feet away, if I could only play a violin. Ah, I will hire a composer, but something new, and he would need to not copy Herrmann too much, that will be tough...He's getting closer, why! what a shot I've got, all I can see now is those eyes, how evil they look! Maybe I should back up now. What is this? I step back, but I do not move back. What a feeling, how will I capture this, and give this feeling to an audience? How am I doing this? Oh, they're holding me still, very noble guests I have. Stand tall men, rally the troops, do you want to live forever?  He is getting closer, very close, one foot away! Oh, if only lighting would flash, or maybe just a roll of thunder. If only I could capture this feeling.    Now! Now! He raises the knife, what an evil shot, a perfect knife for a side shot. He's getting closer. Oh! If I could only make the critics feel, what I feel, the pain, the anxiety. That look in his eyes, as he brings the knife for another strike. A close up on the bloody knife, being pulled back, and striking again. Oh! If I could only give the audience, the authenticity I feel, the pain that wells up. Oh! If I could make it feel real, and make them see the blood that I see when I look down. No! The image is fading, or this might be the way to view it. Make the character that is stabbed vision fade. Oh, I can see it right now! How real it feels, the pain, the blood, the fading vision. For the screen is going black, this image I see is fading. Just one last look into those eyes, oh those evil eyes, and the knife. How real it feels!

-The end of Jay Turner

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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