Chapter 1

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Chloe's POV

Nathan and I sat in the jail sell for a good hour and a half, and we were still far from home. Finally, around 11:30 pm, Victoria showed up to bail us out.

"What the heck were you thinking?!" Tori yelled when we got in the car. "Fighting? Come on, Chloe you're better than that."

"Okay that's not even how it happened!" I said back to her.

"I don't care how it happened! It still did!"

"Calm down.." Nathan jumped in.

"Shut up." Victoria snapped back at him.

"Tori, what is your problem?" I said to her.

The car suddenly stopped. "Get out." We both looked at each other. "Now!" Tori yelled.

Well, she's crabby. "Come on, we're in the middle of nowhere. You can't leave us here." Nathan said.

"Yes I can." She glared at both of us. "Get out!"

We both got out of the car and she sped away. "What are we going to do?" I asked him.

"Start walking I guess."

I pulled out my phone to see if someone could come pick us up. But of course we had no signal.

"You realize we're like 25 miles from home?" I said.

"Yes, Chloe, but what are we supposed to do? We have no signal and you're sister's a brat." He said acting like I was stupid.

"You think this is my fault?!"

"Well kind of! If you would have just let us go home on the bus instead of going to eat, this would've never happened!"

"No. This was not my fault. You're the one that got into a fight in the first place!" I was getting irritated. "With your little anger issues.."

"I do not have anger issues." He said.

"Well I mean, you can't back away from ANYTHING."

"You know what, Chloe, just stop talking." Nathan walked a little faster.

We were walking in silence for 15 minutes when we could hear a car coming. We both looked at each other and called a truce. Then entered the middle of the road and waved our arms around.

The car stopped. "Is that?" I said.

"It is." Nathan said back. We jumped in the back seats and the car drove away.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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