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Mute's POV
Mute, that's what they call me, they think I'm weird because I don't talk, one of the "Popular" girls Lexi even started a roomer going around school about me saying that I "talk to the dead" that I "don't have friends of this world" and and here's my favorite one that I "kill and or sacrifice baby puppy's" that one makes me laugh.

I was in home room when Lexi came up to me and said:
"Sup mute your not sacrificing puppies today" she said with amusement in her voice.

I ignored her and just started to write what was on the board.

After first and second period where finally over, I wasn't hungry and i didn't feel like going to the cafeteria and hear Lexi and her friends talk about me, so I went to my secret hang out spot, I call it Look out peek. And no one and I mean NO ONE Knows about but me.

When I got to look out peek I sat under my favorite tree, it was a big apple tree, sometimes apples would fall on me but the shade the tree provided for me comfortable and protect my pale skin from the sun so I didn't mind.

When I sat down I took out my sketch pad and started to draw, my drawing was of the beautiful, vast landscape around me.

After a while I closed my sketch pad, put it away, put my headphones on and blasted "Stitches" by one of my favorite singers Shawn Mendes.

After a few hours it was starting to get dark so i decided to head back home. In case your wondering I live with my grandmother, my mom was a drug addict and when I was 4 she tried giving me away for crack but my dad saved me. He got full custody of me, now don get it twisted my dad was no angel he's done bad things in his life. When I was ending 8th grade during the summer my dad was arrested for gang violence, three weeks after he was in jail his sell mat killed him.

After all this happened I meet a boy his name was Jackson, he was sweet and the only person I opened up to about my parents and stuff. But one day I went to Jackson's house and his parents weren't home and he seemed mad.

Me: baby are you home?
Jackson: GET OVER HERE!!!

We yelled at me. I went over to him and he slapped me, I feel to the floor holding my cheek.

Jackson walked to me and started to kick me and beat me as I was on the floor.

Me: J_ackson_ pl_ease_ st_op.
I yelled through my tears.

I was able to get free and ran out the door.

>>>>>End of Flashback<<<<<
Ever since then I've never let anyone in, I put up thick walls, and that's why I don't speak to anyone but my grandma.

When I got home the sun was just setting , I reached the front gate and I saw new neighbors moving in next door. I saw a tall, Muscular, lean, boy with tan skin, green/ hazel eyes, with dark brown, and straight hair.

He was wearing black sweatpants with a loose plan with T-shirt with black moccasins, he seemed different from other guys, he seems like a mysterious, miss understood teenager such as my self.

He made I contact with me, his hazel eye made me melt, wait what did I really just think that?

"Umm hey your Amanda right?" What how did he know my name I don't even know him? Yes my real name is Amanda not Mute but the kids at my school didn't even bother to get to know me before calling me names, no one does.

"How do you know my name?" I asked a bit creeped out
" Your grandmother Gracie told me about you when she dropped off some cookies earlier." He said smiling a little

"Oh" was all I could say, I got my keys out of my pocket and was about to unlock the gate when that guy called my name again.

"Amanda before you go can u help me with this last box I can't do it myself." Without saying a word I walked over to him and lifted up my end of the box and he did as well.

We went up the stairs and into what I'm assuming is his bedroom. We put the box down and I turned and was about to walk away
"Thanks" he spoke up, I didn't turn around, I said "Your welcome" and walked out of his house.

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