Stalker (greenxblue kindof)

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A/N: Soooooo, this is new. Welp lets make one thing clear, I'm using Japan's green and blue. There really won't be any real romance, just stuff happening. I OWN NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS NOR THIS FRANCHISE! Kay lets get this show rolling!

Blue's pov:
I walked around Viridian city, looking for something good to snatch. Honestly I felt bored and had nothing better to do but goof around. Oh well! I walked past the gym and herd a loud sound. Curious, I went to check what was going on. Once looking there was nothing new. Green was doing work or what ever, and challengers come to and fro, but then I gasped at what I saw. "Oh my Arceus!" I screamed in a hushed voice. What fell on the floor was millions of pokedollars. I knew Green liked to battle, but what? This is to much; time to come up with an unnecessarily complicated plan!

I quickly went to find Red and tell him to give all the information he had about Green.

"Heeeeyyyyeeee Red!"
I tried to keep a low profile. "Um hey blue.. what's up?" Red seemed frightened, I wonder why? "Okay, so Red can you tell me everything you know about Green?" He just sat there on his seat, looking at me, like I was insane or something. *sigh* I knew this wasn't going to be that easy. "Please Red, I only need to know about him, I won't ask anything else from you." I pleaded half heartedly. "Blue, why do you need to stalk him?" QUIKLY BLUE THINK OF SOMETHING! You can't say you're gonna steal his wallet! "Ummmm... Just to creep the poke balls out of him." I saw Red grin a bit! I knew this would work.... "Fine but only since Green needs some fun in his busy life." Step one of this plan completed!

After recovering from listening to Red telling me random stuff about Green *shivers*, it's time to stalk him!

Green's pov:
I sit around the gym battling trainers not strong enough to handle what I throw at them. This sucks! Nothing is happening around here! I better get out and take a walk before more challengers come. "I'm officially on my break."

I walk outside happy enough to feel the sun around Viridian city. Suddenly a Blue starts to tap on my shoulder. What's going on? I sort of knew Blue, but not to much since we don't talk to often. "Hi Gary!" Wait what's going on! I never told her my alternate name, only a selected group of people I trust know this. She soon starts talking about my other personal situations, this officially creeps me out. I slowly back away from Blue so she can't mind stalk me anymore, pesky woman.

Blue's pov:
HAHA, my plan has taken into full effect!
(Blue's awesome plan )
Step one: find out Green is loaded
Step two: create a plan
Step three: find everything about Green
Step four: tell Green about himself
Step five: Green is creeped out and runs to Red's place to sort things out
Step six: sneak in Green's office
Step seven: IM LOADED BABY :)

"Heheh this was too easy." I snuck quietly into the office, and was quite surprised. Green still had the money lying on the floor. "Okaaaayy." As I put the wad of money safely away with me, I saw a picture of Green with his family, friends, and pokemon. "...............cute."

Meanwhile at Red's place....
Red's pov:
I sat on the couch watching whatever was on until I heard Green knock and call for me at the door. "What's up Green?" He seemed stressed. "Blue, that pesky woman is what's up. Red she's a mind stalker!" I didn't know Green could be this paranoid! I tried to hold in the laughter trying to burst but my facial expressions gave me away quickly. "No, Red. You didn't!" Oh crap I need to deny! "Did what, Green?" My smile was from one ear to the next. "REEEEEEDDD!" Oh Arceus no. "RUN!" I shouted. I ran for my life away from an outraged Green.

Wooohoo! First shot, great. *sigh* this is why I don't do this kind of stuff. It's a mess, but I can't help not to be proud of this. This whole mess of a thing is based of a true story and maybe if you guys nag me enough I'll spill. Cfbear2 is going to make an alternate version of this, so you guys should check it out when it's made. Probably will be better than this!

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