My Home🐼⚽

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''Tua eng..''
Gulf let out a little smile after he read Mew's text message

''Yes krub?..''
Gulf texted back. He was sitting in waiting for his take.

''What time are you gonna go home?''
Mew replied.

''I don't know krub..I have 5more scenes to take. Why? You need something krub?''
Gulf texted back.

''Yes Tua eng..''
Gulf type another reply and send it quickly.

''What is it krub?''

''You..I need you Tua eng..''
Gulf can't resist a smile that breaks in his lips while he read the message. He slowly shake his head while he type another reply.

''I'm still working krub..don't worry I'll just finish my take and I'll hurry home.''
Gulf replied and exactly he hit the send the Director called him for his take. He handed his cellphone to his manager and proceded infront of the camera.

Its already 6:30pm when they wrapped up and Gulf went home immediately. He was already in the car when he check his phone.

''Tua eng text me when your gonna go home...I went to the Studio.''
That was 3hours ago so he decided not to reply coz maybe Mew will already at their condo by now.

After 1 hour they finally pulled out in the parking lot of their condo.

''Gulf I'll pick you up tomorrow after lunch.''
His manager said and Gulf bid his goodbye and went out of the van. He was so exhausted after a long day in the set. All he wants to do is to lay on his bed and cuddle with his posessive boyfriend at home.

Gulf tap his key card on the lock and went inside. He can smell his favourite food hitting his nostril while he take off his shoes.
Gulf slowly walk in the kitchen and he found his Mew busy in front of the stove with an earphone that's why he didn't hear him enter the house.

Gulf leaned in the door frame his arms cross on his chest while he looked at his boyfriend singing while he steer the food he was cooking..he was so cute with his panda apron around his waist.

Gulf let out a smile and decided to walk approaching Mew. He wrapped his arms around Mew's waist that makes the latter startled a little bit. Gulf smell his after shower scent on Mews back while he hugged him.

''I miss you krub.''
Gulf whispered and Mew turned around to face Gulf.

Mew cupped his face and planted him a kiss on his lips that makes Gulf close his eyes.

''How is my Tua eng?''
Mew asked in a soft voice. Gulf grip Mews waist and smiled.

Gulf pouted.

''Hm..okay let's eat dinner and take a shower then I'll gave you a massage after..what do you think?''
Mew said smirking that makes Gulf raise his eyebrow.

''I know what you're thinking Phi..''
Gulf answered but Mew just pulled him and pressed their lips together. Gulf's arms automatically wrapped around Mews neck and let his man devoure his plump lips.

This is what he needs after a long day. His eye candy.

~~~The End~~~

MewGulf One Shot Collection Book 1Where stories live. Discover now