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A/N: I know that there aren't many Carmen/ Eleazar stories. This is a one shot about them.
I might do a sequel to this.

Summary: They found each other once, but were ripped from each other.
Years later, they find each other but with him in a job he can't get out of, will they get their eternity together?

Carmen sighs as she sits on the fountain, thinking of him: Eleazer, her compañero, her siempre. They were only humans when they met in Spain, he'd be long dead by now, if it not for their friend. He disappeared the day their friend came to save him, she still remembers the last kiss they shared. The last brush of his thumb on her cheek, the last smile he gave her before they ripped apart from each other.

It's been years since they were ripped apart from each other and she misses him as if yesterday was the last day she saw him.

Cocking her head in the direction of the forest, she smiles faintly as she sees a younger version of her and her sisters playing hiding and seek, giggling as they enter the forest with their parents trailing behind them so they don't get lost. She misses her familia but knows she must not visit them, to check in on them, not go anywhere near them, as they wouldn't understand how she came back from the dead, her ethereal beauty, nor her paleness, the coldness of her skin or her golden coloured eyes. She must let them think she is dead forever.

"Mi Corazón late?" Says a familiar voice from the bottom of the driveway. Carmen stands up and looks down the driveway with her enhanced eyesight and sees him wearing Volturi robes, his black hair slightly dishevelled from his run, his eyes are now crimson red.

She runs at full speed and crashes into him, her arms winding around his waist.

"Oh mi amore, you're here, I thought I'd never see you again!" Carmen exclaims, looking at her love with her gold eyes. Eleazer strokes her hair.

"Mi dulce amor, I'm afraid I can't stay long as the Volturi, especially Aro, wants me back as soon as I've seen you." Eleazer says, remorse heavy in his voice. Carmen lets out a low growl before releasing herself from Eleazer's arms.

"Is he brain dead? He knows we're mates, he knows how long we've been apart, can't we tell him that he's had you far too long and that's our time to be alone?" Carmen asks angrily. Eleazer lets out a sigh. "I do not know, Carmen, Aro can be difficult to reason with. Even on a good day." Her mate comments softly. Carmen looks at him, hope shining in her eyes. "But we can try, yes?" She questions. Eleazer nods. "Yes, amore, but that's all we can do, the final decision lies with Aro." Carmen nods in understanding and holds out her hand for him to take, which he does. Eleazer kisses her lips before they start the journey from Spain to Volterra.

Carmen and Eleazer are silent as they reach the outskirts of Volterra under the cover of the darkness of the sky and stars, the rest of their journey was spent with kisses and tales from their time apart from each other.

The home of the Volturi looms over them and Carmen growls silently at the thought of her lover spending all these years in this gloomy place.

"Eleazer, what will happen if Aro denies  our request? What are we to do? We both know we'll never handle any more time apart." Carmen asks the question that has been on both of their minds since she proposed they ask the head king of their world. Beside her, Eleazer sighs. "I don't know, Carmen, I cannot bear you to live in the place I do, it would crush your spirit and I cannot have your spirit crushed by these monsters inside these walls, but I cannot bear to live apart from you again, so I do not know, but let us hope that Aro is feeling generous tonight, mi reina." Eleazer says, pressing a kiss to their intertwined fingers and her lips, both of them not knowing if that would be the last kiss they would share tonight.

The throne room of the three kings: Aro, Marcus and Caius, is just as cold and gloomy as the outside of the castle, especially with Caius giving out the coldest of looks.

"Eleazar, you're back and you've brought Carmen!" Aro crows, getting off his throne and coming to stand in front of the couple. Carmen gives a low growl at the ruler.

"Eleazer, your mate is a feisty little thing, isn't she?" Aro says, looking at Eleazer.

"I suppose you're here to ask me to release you from the guard so you can spend some time with your mate, is that right?" Aro guesses, his blood red eyes directed at Carmen.

"Yes, Aro, that is what we would like, you know we've been apart for so long." Eleazer says smoothly. Aro sighs.

"Well, Eleazer, you've been a great service to me and my brothers over the years and I know how lonely you have been so I will allow you to leave the Volturi to be with your lovely, feisty mate, but you must promise me you will come to visit whenever you can, you're always welcome here." Aro says, letting a rare, small smile creep upon his lips. Carmen smiles wildly as Eleazer presses a kiss to her temple. "Be off young friends, I'm sure you're dying to be...reconnected." Aro says slyly. Carmen gives a little giggle as she'd and Eleazer walk out of the throne room hand in hand and run out of the castle, out of Volterra and back to Carmen's estate in Spain.

Carmen has barely stepped inside of her familia home when Eleazer scoops her up in his arms, his lips trailing kisses up and down her throat as he walks at a human pace up the stairs to her room.

Eleazer drops his mate on the bed gently, hovering about her, capturing her lips in his, his hands ridding her of her garments, leaving her in her underclothes. Faster than he can blink, her garments are joined by his robes.

In one swift movement, Carmen is fully naked below him, her breasts hard, wanting attention.
Slowly kneading her left breast in his right hand, he lets his left hand get reacquainted with her thighs.

(I don't know how to write lemons so I'll leave it to you guys to think of your own.)

Eleazer pulls a breathing Carmen onto his naked stone chest and kisses her hair. He knows she loves him, and he her.

"Eres mi para siempre, no quiero volver a separarme de ti nunca más, así que tú, Carmen, ¿harás el honor de casarte conmigo?"
Carmen looks up at him, her gold eyes wide, a smile on her face.

"Si, Eleazer, si, me casaré contigo."

They seal it with a kiss.

The end


compañero- Companion.
siempre- Forever.
Mi Corazón late- My heart beat.
Mi amour- My love.
Mi dulce amor- My sweet love.
Amour- Love.
Eres mi para siempre, no quiero volver a separarme de ti nunca más, así que tú, Carmen, ¿harás el honor de casarte conmigo?- You are my forever, I never want to be separated from you again, so you, Carmen, will you do the honor of marrying me?
Si, Eleazer, si, me casaré contigo- Yes, Eleazer, yes, I will marry you.

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