eyes of blue

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The alarm suddenly went off thru the triskelion. "Everyone head outside; this is not training," fury's voice echoed over the rooms. All the students headed outside as they were told. On the ground right out laid something or someone. A giant dog-like creature it was. It seemed unconscious, but as spidey and his team got closer, it stirred and woke. Two blue eyes stared at the four teens, scanning them.

Then the dog-like thing stood up. Now they could see what it was. A wolf. A wolf with night-black fur and sea blue eyes. The wolf dint does anything, only stared. Spider-Man was the first to step up. The wolf was reaching to his eyes, si he dint have to crouch or anything. "Who are you?" he asked, not expecting to get an answer. "I'm y/n, but you can call me Midnight," it said. Its voice was soft.

Soon a blinding light emitted from the wolf, and soon a girl stood there in its stead. Her hair was raven black, and her eyes were the same as the wolf. "Woah" was all Peter could say. Y/n smiled and offered a hand which Peter took. "I'm happy to meet the heroes finally," she said with a smile on her lips. "Why have you come?" Fury asked. He had joined a few moments ago. "I search training." The wolf girl replied.

"Okay, all go back to your classes," fury said, and everyone hurried inside. Spidey was walking to his class when he came by fury's room. He hears voices and decides that he wound eavesdrop.

Shot I know


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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