The Outcast

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Hello peeps I'm back again. This story will be long so be ready.  Also I do not own Naruto but Sasuke does.

Now let the story begin!! (>-

You already know da vibes  I have no friends.

Naruto P.O.V

Sup my name is Naruto Uzumaki I'm a delinquent and I have no family.  If you ask me my life is crap. 

I can barley afford a loaf of bread and don't even get me started on ramen.

  That's about the only thing I can afford. I go to konoha highschool.

What else am I missing hmm oh yeah the one person I hate in the hole in tire world is Sasuke Uchiha.

I don't like him because he is always so rich.

I don't like the way rich people are.  And you know what I mean..... The spoiled brats! They don't know a thing about not getting anything.

All they care about is money sex and business. Well some of them. 

OK done with introductions now it time for the real story to start.

"ZzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzz" Naruto slept like a baby after last nights drinking game. Naruto got high and drunk with a girl that gets paid to have sex.

Naruto knows her well because he used to have sex for money with girls and she was his main costumer.

Narutos the definition of delinquent.

Naruto wakes up to a alarm clock. *smack* "god I hate alarm clocks." Naruto gets up and gets ready for school.

He puts on a black T-shirt then a black hoodie that says :Suck My Basketballs.

In bright orange letters. He has another hoodie that's says the same thing but it actually says suck my balls.

Naruto also puts on black skinny jeans and bright orange shoes. He grabs a pen and pencil then some school papers and shoves it in his pocket.

Naruto P.O.V

"alright now I'm ready to— wait I want some ramen, but I don't want to be late today..... Fine no ramen today.

" I rush out the door crying then wipe the tears away once I reach the school.

Everyone looks at me with frowns and some scared faces.  I just put my hands in my pockets and walk into the school building.

I spot Sam (Narutos friend that he has sex with for money or fun sometimes).

"HEY SAM!!! " I say with a smile on my face as big as the sun. 

I run up to her and she runs up to then we stop and hug. "hey Naruto!" Sam says with a smile not as big as mine. 

I grab her by the waist and push my soft lips into her cherry flavored lips.

I bite her bottom lip and she opens her mouth in a moan. 

I stick my tongue in her mouth then explore her mouth.

I then break apart the kiss and Sam wipes away the spit on her chin.

Everyone is now staring and whispering. I look at Sam and begin to talk. "hey last night was—" I was cut off by Sam.


"yeah crazy you felt really soft softer than before what soap have you been using Sam." I said now remembering her pussy.

She laughs and says "we got high off of talking about that boy remember."

I pause and nod. We.....  Well I was talking about Sasuke and how he always looks at me with a glare.

It makes me mad so much that—

Sam grabs my wrist and drags me into class.  We sit down next to each other in the back and wait for the sensei.

she always inerupts me when I think way to long. Now I don't want to think about it any more.

Iruka sensei walks into the classroom and walks behinds his desk. "Ok class today we will be learning about physics."

"Oh god I hate English why must it always be English."  I whisper to Sam.

Sam burst out laughing. "physics is not English it's math and science you idiot!" she says with a very loud whisper only I can hear.

I frown  then scratch my neck "oh". Sam put her head on the desk and sighs."

Naruto your an idiiot" she says under her breath. I frown and look out the window.

*ring bitches I said ring ring* the bell rings and I walk out the class with Sam.

Me and Sam go to our second period class, we don't have that class together.

I walk into my class saying good bye to Sam. She is a really cute girl she has long brown hair that goes down to her butt, she has a slim body nice ass and nice big tit's. 

She has nice smooth skin and her eyes are brown. She likes to wear slutty clothes that show her belly and stuff like that.

As I was thinking about Sam I sat down in my seat and looked out the window.

But before I could think of her more I was inerupted by someone looking at me. I shock my head out of my thoughts and look at the person who was glaring at me.

Sasuke Uchiha Tch why does he always look at me. I glare at him back.

We sit next to each other in the back of the class. I have most of my class seats in the back.

Sasuke moves closer to me and whispers in my ear "I love you".

He then scoots back to his normal position and looks back at the teacher. 

WHAT THE HELL!??!??!?!

why the world did he just say he loves me. I turn to face him and whisper in his ear " what the fuck dude I'm a guy and I'm pretty sure you know that. "

If your wondering why we're whispering its because we don't want a thousand years of death.

Sasuke looks at me and says "meet me on roof top at lunch. " I nod and then sigh. Why the hell did he just confess to me I'm not gay.

I thought he hated me and now he loves me the hell. I'm not even into guys.

Yeah he may be really good looking with his black silky hair and those dark black eyes that take you into space.

And those muscles that I only get to see at gym class.  Oh and—wait why am I thinking this.

I stop drooling and focus on the teacher. Only five more hours.

Wait why am I counting the time. Oh no don't tell me. Heart trust me when I say this you don't love Sasuke.

He's a pervert and your not gay........right?

Insta: @dxx_blackstar_xxb

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