Chapter 1

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You looked down at the slip of paper in your hand and up to the light hanging above the front door. The address matched your note; 221B Baker Street. Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward and knocked on the door. You waited a moment and jumped in fright as a loud crash sounded in the building.

"One moment!" you heard a muffled voice from inside call out.

You waited patiently and the door swung open part way, revealing a man with brown hair, a matching mustache and blue eyes. He seemed to be catching his breath as he looked out at you. "Hello?"

Wide-eyed, you glanced behind him. All you could see was a fraction of an empty hallway. "H-hello," you responded. "Is this 221B?"

"Yes," the man nodded.

"Oh, good," you smiled nervously and took off your glove before extending your hand. "My name is [Full Name] and I'm looking for Sherlock Holmes. I was told I could find him here."

The man stepped through the door and closed it behind him. He took your hand, saying quickly, "Dr. John Watson. Let me direct you to the police station, they should be able to introduce you to another detective-"

"Mr. Holmes doesn't live here?" you asked as Mr. Watson stepped around you and started toward the street. At your question he turned back around.

"He does," Dr. Watson nodded, "but I'm sure you'll be happier with someone else."

"I don't think you understand," you said with a polite smile. "I need to see Mr. Holmes. My father is missing, it's been weeks now."

Dr. Watson's face softened at your words and he looked back at the house. There was another crash and you both jumped. You turned around and the door swung open, revealing a man in a wrinkled off-white dress shirt with dark, messy hair and stubble on his face. The shirt may have once been white, you assumed, but it was discolored in a few spots and you noticed a hole burnt into the collar. His face was flushed as he shouted, "Watson! You can't leave! I am close, I only need your assistance with the..." He trailed off as he noticed you standing in front of Dr. Watson. "Oh, hello."

"Hello, are you Detective Sherlock Holmes?" you asked the man.

He stood up straight and ran a hand through his hair before stepping forward and shutting the door behind him. "Yes, I am. And you are?"

You held out your ungloved hand and he took it. "Miss [Full Name], nice to meet you. I'm in need of your assistance. You see, my father's gone missing and--"

"You'd like me to find him," Mr. Holmes grinned at you insincerely. "I'm terribly sorry, but I'm terribly busy at the moment--"

"That is an outright lie," Dr. Watson interrupted him. "You've been sitting up in your room for a month and a half."

Mr. Holmes glared behind you, presumably at Watson, and then turned his gaze back to you. "At any rate, I am currently in the middle of a study and cannot assist you today. I'm sure the boys at Scotland Yard can help you."

You felt your face flush at the denial. If Mr. Holmes couldn't help you, there was no one that could. You were at the end of your rope. "Please, you don't understand. I've talked with the police and they tell me they are working on it, but I know it's not their priority. I've hired other detectives but they have either abandoned the job without an explanation or not returned. Now none will help me. If you don't help me, Mr. Holmes, I'm afraid my only choice is to continue looking for my father by myself." You looked up at him and twisted the slip of paper still in your fingers nervously.

His brown eyes stared through you for a moment before they moved over your form, taking all of you in and getting each detail.

Afraid he was going to refuse again, you said, "I can pay you. We don't have much, but I'd give anything to have my father home again."

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