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Hey there....my name is Ocean Blue,17 and im here to tell you my story...my life and how I dealt with moving from Ohio to Miami so here it is fasten your seatbelt because this is going to be a hell of a ride..

I was fast asleep because of the night before we had been moving stuff and cleaning. My mom came into my room and shoke me awake and said "its time to get up school time" I fell back asleep she shoke her head and pulled me out of bed "dont make me pour a bucket of water on you" I got up and said still tired "im up" she smiled and said "get ready I will be in the kitchen when you come downstaries and your fathers at work already" I looked away from my mom "oh" my dad was almost gone my whole life because of his job as a travel agent. My mom looked at me sincerely "your father's loves you" and then she walked out my room closing the door behind her.

I got dressed in mint bow shoes, mint rose earrings, light pink lipstick, and mint high waisted skirt, and a mint bow tucked in sweater and my hair was in a french braid braided into a bun with a mint bow at the back of the bun. I checked into the mirror I thought of myself as ugly like for example my body is curvy I hate it my mom always told me I was pretty I nodded my head like I agreed

I then went downstaries and saw my mom setting down a plate for me and my two sisters Echo,16 and Moon,19 I said to my mom "I will skip today's breakfast" he my mom shoke her head a said "but breakfast is a big part of your da-" I was out the door before she could finish I love my mom just wasn't in the mood for breakfast.

When I approached the school and was close enought to see what it looks like it was definitely better looking then my last school my last School building was small and only had two floors, I went into the school and I didn't have my schedule so I went to the office and asked for my schedule the girl I was talking to had red hair and green eyes and freckles she looked like she was in her 20s

When I turnt my head I looked to see a girl my age staring Right at me she smiles at her I don't want to be rude so I smile back and quickly look right back at the women who is looking for my schedule

When she hands me my schedule I take the schedule from her I look the way the girl was staring at me she is now coming up to me I quickly look back to the women who is talking to me about where to go the girl was right besides me now her smiling at me "I could help her with her classes" she says with a british accent, the women at the desk says "is that ok with you?" I look at her I didn't even know her but I guess help or no help "yea...sure" she nods me to go on with her I walk with her down the hall silently she kills the silence by saying "my name is Louise by the way"

I look at her and she smiles at me I finally say "my name is Ocean" she smiles and holds out her hand gesturing for me to shake it, I shake her hand and she says "nice to meet you Ocean" i smile at her she's not that bad after all, when i arrived at my class door Louise and I exchanged byes and I went into the classroom everyone persons eyes where on me I felt stuck the teacher said "you must be Ocean" everyone laughed at the name, I always thought Ocean was a stupid name too she intrupped my thoughts by saying "well you can have a seat...if you like" i hurryed to the only empty seat and that was the one in the back row no one was sitting on both sides me I was alone as usual. .no surprise

I looked around the classroom and I saw a group of popular girls gossiping in each others ear obviously about someone or something I look around some more I see something that catches my eye I know this would sound so cheesy but I saw the hottest guy I have ever seen in my entire life

He had dirty blondish tousled hair grey sweater, khaki pants, and blue vans let me just tell you he wore that simple outfit like no other guy he just talking to his guy friends when all of sudden catches me starring I turn my head because I didn't want him to think of me as a massive Creep I peek his way and he's not starring anymore thank god he doesn't seem to care

At lunch I found Louise and sat by her she sat with this guy also she said "this is Liam, my boyfriend " she gestures to the guy next to her he had green eyes and black hair he was quite handsome but nothing like the guy I saw back in class I looked around if I could find him and I saw him with all sorts of girls by him and touching him on the arm and touching his hair I looked away I didn't want to see anymore of other girls touching him....wait why am I thinking this way? I got intrupped by Louise talking "what were you staring at?" I looked at the dreamy guy who was starting to get up and walk my way!! I turnt back around but it was too late he was already in front of my face he looked even handsome up close

He said "why are you staring at me freak" I looked at him blankly not knowing what to say this convo went 0 to 100 real quick he continues "you stuck nerd" louder then needed I tried to let something out "w-why are you so loud" he kissed me on the lips...in front of everyone.....jn the school his lips where so warm and soft I heard people oooos and whistling he then pushed me off of him "because I want to" I had my mouth open wide I was so shocked I couldn't say anything he whispered in my ear "close your mouth our im going to have to take advantage of you" I shut my mouth quickly and looked down when I looked back up he was back at the table with the girls glaring me down while hovering over him

I look Louise direction and she had her mouth opened and she said

"You just became the players victim"

A|N: i think this is going to be a Gooder then "Young and Reckless" my first story because I know what to do know lol and yaaa

How did you guys like this chapter and story so far p.s this story will contain explicit content because why not remember to



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Ily guys thanks so much for giving me the strength to write stories have a great day!

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