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Hey guys here's another stupid dumb ass fucking fanfic 4 people have written in it.

My name is Xeno, and I have been searching this city for the perfect cup of coffee for months. Every store, cafe, restaurant that I visit raises my hopes and crushes them with the mediocre coffee. Today, I am visiting the final coffee shop in my area; the last opportunity for me to discover my ideal drink. I stand in front of a squat building, placed almost clumsily between two streamlined office buildings. The sign in front of the cafe reads "Espresso Express", and a warm light shines through the floor to ceiling windows. I gently push open the door and am instantly greeted with a welcoming atmosphere and delicious smell.

As I approach the counter to order my usual, my eye is caught by a certain something, or should I say, someone. A barista stands near the counter, making drinks with an expertise and grace I've never seen in my life. His delicate hands pour, mix, and grind effortlessly as strands of his platinum hair fall in front of his face. He blows them back with a soft huff, and we experience a second of eye contact. The world seems to slow as we lock eyes, but resumes as normal when I look away, embarassed.

I sit down in a cozy booth once I order. I pull a book from my brown leather side saddle bag and start to read, after a few minutes pass the a coffee arrives in front of me. I instinctively look up to thank the server but once I see him I freeze up. His piercing blue orbs stared kindly down at me. I'm so embarrassed. I haven't said anything for far too long and it's starting to become awkward. I need to say something before he walks away!

"Will that be all?" He cautiously asks, thinking I might start to say something.
I barely register what he says and blurt out
"W-what do you recommend?"
I ask, trying to sound confident. He smiles and looks me in my dark, reflective orbs
"Well, the scones are lovely"
He laughed, his voice was so smooth and buttery (just like the scones), it made me melt.

"I love scones, they help me connect with my British heritage."

"Alright, one order of scones coming right up" he gives me a wink and struts with confidence back behind the counter to get me my scone fix.

I take a sip of the coffee and the warm bitter sweetness fills my mouth. It wasn't overly sweet or bitter - but perfectly in between. I've found it- after long, gruelling months of scouring the entire city; the perfect cup of coffee.

I get up to pay, and I instinctively find myself looking at the barista again. However, before I can take another step towards the counter, my vision blurs and swims. The wooden planks beneath my feet no longer feels like solid ground, and the world fades to black as I pass out.

When I regain my senses, the first thing I can feel is my back propped up against the wall. I open my eyes to find the alluring barista leaning over me, a concerned expression on his face. I panic as I realise how close his face is to mine, and he takes a hasty step back as he realises I'm finally awake again.
"Are you alright?" His voice is soothing and the words roll off his tongue; I nod my head. As I observe the scenery, I notice we are no longer in the main cafe- rather, in some sort of back area sectioned off, away from the customers. My face heats up when I realise the vulnerable position we are in; my back rests against the wall and I'm sat on the floor; the blonde-haired man is kneeling over me. His legs are straddling either side of mine, and his hand is on my neck as he checks my pulse. I blush intensely and my eyes are drawn towards his lips.

I shift uncomfortably beneath him and he catches my eye before I blush and look away. "Should we go back to the front?" I say. "I was hoping we could spend a little more time in here" he says playfully not moving from his position over me. My face begins to heat intensely and I feeby nod my head. He grabs my face in his hands and tilts it up towards him. my lips part slightly and he leans in our lips meat and my body explodes with pleasure. It feels like I'm on fire. Our lips push and pull against each other and out tounges intertwine. I let out a soft moan and he pulls away smriking. "Do you want more?" He whisperes into my ear and I let out a short gasp "y-yes" I say stumbling over my words. He begins giving me quick kisses along my body starting from my lips and working his way down to my collarbone. He begins to bite gently at the soft crook of my neck as his hands travel to the zip holding my pants up. He undoes them and pulls my jeans off quickly. We both begin to unclothe I pause at my underwear as I feel a little self conscious Stan gently grabs my hand and helps me pull them off. I can't help my notice the size of his throbbing member and I begin to get hard. He turns me around and pins me against the wall my knees are shaking as he penetrates me. "Stan" I moan as his length moves around inside me. He begins to move rhythmically in and out of me
"Stan! I must tell you, I'm gay and in love with you."

Xeno looks shocked 🙈 "Xeno! I love you too!" Stan whimpers. Xeno and Stan interlock hands, their sweaty sausages interlock, they feel tingles running from the top of their spinal cords to their floppy loads. They skip to Xenos car "Xeno, I didnt know you had a white suzuki swift! Is this the 2006 model?" S-s-stan I didnt know you were so into cars kitten, I have a suprise for you!" Stans smile grows into a smirk, before stan can say anything xeno exclaims "You fucking tiny penis prostitute" Xeno scoops up stan like hes icecream and pegs him into the boot of the 2006 white suzuki swift. He continues to tie up stan. Xeno hops in the front and buckles up he joyfully yells "YEEEHAAAA" and 6 on the gas. He cruises along the streets listening to maneater by nelly furtado, he softly sings "maneater make him work hard making him sweat hard make him want more of your love" you can faintly hear Stan in the back hummin along. Xeno arrives at hus destination. He opens the boot and grabs stan by the neck. Theyre at the aquarium! Xeno takes stan to the squid tank. Xeno pushes stans head underwater. Stan starts to panic, but xeno doesnt stop. The kawaii squid start to wrap around stans slowly suffocating body. Xeno looks down and sees white goo dripping, he giggles "oh" his grin widens. He gets sonexcited he drops stan, stan begins to sink to the bottom of the tank, but before he hits the bottom he begins to float. His lifeless corpse rises. Xeno sheds a tear. This is the story of a squid kink gone too far. Remember to stay safe while engaging in kinky sex!

Stan x Xeno coffee AUWhere stories live. Discover now