New Friends

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It's been about 2 months since I got my Bachelors Degree from (C/N) and I'm currently walking home from work. Before you say "Isn't that dangerous?" "That must be a long walk.." Zip it. I literally live 2 blocks away. It's a 30 minute walk. Anyways, as I was walking home, I noticed a particularly noticeable guy. He may have been wearing a pullover and slacks, but he looked like he had fog for hair.. he clearly noticed my staring..

"Can I help you?" He asked kind of coldly.

"Sorry, I've just never seen a fog quirk... or is it Mist..? Sorry, anyway, I just thought you looked-"

He cut me off with a worn out "-scary? Monstrous? Threatening?" ... Damn dude.

"I was going to say you looked pretty cool. No need to assume the worst in us, fellow," I said with a chuckle. This seemed to amuse the guy.

"Y'know, I have a friend that would probably like your sense of humor. Name's Shirakumo. You?" He held out his... hand?

"(L/N). Nice to meet you Shirakumo-San" I shook his hand and he nodded a 'Likewise'. Me and Shirakumo talked for a bit, then he had to go.

"It was nice meeting you, (L/N)-San. Who knows, maybe we'll bump into eachother again?" He said as he turned to leave.

"Hey, how about we exchange numbers? So that way we can keep in touch?" I suggested. He was hesitant at first, but agreed in the end. So, we exchanged our numbers, plugged them into out phones, and went on our separate ways.

-The next day-

Today I checked my phone and saw I was added to a gc..


Hot Topic: Better question, who lets it stay as "Stain's Protégé" ? Reptile Fuck.

Lizard: Listen here you little shit-

Fog Mom: Boys.. Do I seriously need to send you two to the Gobi Desert?

Ashy Bluberry: Hah! Kurogiri's mad~!!

Blood Kink: Hey, who's [your phone number] ?

Fog Mom: Oh. A new friend of mine. I must have accidentally added her to this gc

Ashy Blueberry: Well she probably knows who we are now.. God Forbid she can see previous texts..

Unknown Number: Um.. Hi? I take it "Fog Mom" is you, Shirakumo-San?

Fog Mom: You'd be correct, (L/N)-San

▪︎ -Unknown Number- has changed their name to Files ▪︎

Files: Better.

Hot Topic: Why "Files" ?

Files: It's related to my quirk. If I look at somebody, I can see pretty much everything on them. They're medical stuff, family associations, social associations, you get the gist. If you know Marvel, I'm basically Edith.

Double Take: OOH! I LOVE THE MCU!

Double Take: No I hate it-!

Files: What..?

Blood Kink: He has split personalities that contradict eachother

Files: Oh. Ok.

▪︎ Hot Topic changes Files name to Edith ▪︎

Edith: Ok then...

Edith: And relating to your comment, "Ashy Blueberry", I first off suspected who Shirakumo-San was when I saw he was a living entity of fog, but yeah I did also back read. No need to worry though, I'm literally just an insignificant fresh College Grad. Also, f//k the hero system. And police in general... I kinda got f//ked over by them. Pretty bad

Magic Mike: Wow.. You seem to have it rough

Lizard: How do we know she's telling the truth, though?

Edith: Literally just search my name;
(L/N) (Y/N)

Blood Kink: Oh wow.. Your family abandoned you?!

Edith: .. I don't like talking about it.. I never knew my biological family and the Foster System f//ked with me in the head

Hot Topic: Damn kid.. that's rough..

Edith: Kid?? I'm 26!!

Hot Topic: ...

Edith: Wait, who's who??


Blood Kink- Toga
Hot Topic- Dabi
Ashy Blueberry- Shigaraki
Lizard- Spinner
Magic Mike- Compress
Fog Mom- Kurogiri
Double Take- Twice


Edith: Thanks for the names, now I'm off to go make minimum wage at 3 jobs because the economy is s//t. I'll be back in like 12 hours.

Hot Topic: 3 Jobs?! And they only pay minimum wage?!

Edith: You try finding a good job in technology these days.. I'm finding out I got my degree for nothing, so that's great...

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