Chapters 1

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It all started at home.. In 1999

I had allot of child abuse, and my parents would beat me and take their anger out on me.
This took place for years, until i was old enough to fight back or to tell someone.
They would attempt to drown my in my bath when I was in the bath, and would try to suffocate me in my sleep.
I knew they wanted me dead.
At 11 years old I moved to a secondary school in the centre of London still with my trourmatic parents. They wouldn't beat me then or attack me like they used to but they did leave bruises and marks on my body expecting me to tell the teachers I got them from myself hatred.
The age of 15 I came out to my closest friend who had been close with me through thick and thin. She took it well and kept her mouth shut until.. Until we argued. She spread rumours about it and ruined my life even more than it was, soon after that everyone heard about it. I started getting bullied allot at school. They would tease me calling me fat, a sket, a whore, a slut, a bitch, a cow, fat legs and "no-collar-bone-bitch" . I started self harm and a week after that I was diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia which means I will on throw up whatever i eat and starve myself. It was a struggle and I'm still not over it now. At 16 I left my parents. I ran away for good, I took all the food and just went without taking a blink.

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