Content Warning

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As I am aiming to do with all my other stories, I have decided to put a detailed content warning chapter at the beginnings of my books, so that all who use content warning can have a good idea of what to watch out for.

For this story I am also adding in some context for the a/b/o world dynamics as well, seeing as there are many variations of those dynamics

To begin the main character is an asshole, to himself and to others, he often swears at and is demeaning to the omega characters in the book. As well as getting into many verbal and physical arguments with others in his pack

Both the main and secondary characters have dealt with sexual assault, there will be conversations which imply their pasts and some which directly reference and talk through the assaults, there will be minor detail (through conversation) shared about the main characters assault but no scenes will have graphic depictions of the assaults on either characters

There will be many violent scenes in which the main character is fighting with others, blood and gore will come with all of these scenes

There will be several small scenes including references and flashbacks/memories of abuse (physical/verbal) of an adult and minor.

There will be heavy substance abuse (both drugs and alcohol) through the story

Several depictions of torture are also brought up

The main character will have several disabilities which happen because of abuse and torture, I aim to write them as accurately and sensitively as possible as well as show that the main character is not any lesser for it, or give him some magic fix all by the end which erases them because I hate reading that, I have my own experience with other disabilities but know that everyone's experience is different, if you would like to contact me about the accuracy in any of my stories please do. Also please note that the Main character is harsh to himself about these disabilities (verbally and physically) and that does not reflect my opinions as the writer, I hope to address the negative view of the MC throughout the plot.

Sexual chapters will be included between men (all consensual) if you don't care for smut then I wouldn't recommend reading.

The a/b/o dynamics will be fairly consistent with main stream trends, I will likely mess with the werewolf aspect more than the dynamics themselves (more of a human/wolf creature, and claws which are more like a cats/Marvel's wolverine)

It's important to me that while the main character wrestles with his identity that he ultimately heals with the help of those around him and learns to love himself and others through it.

If you feel as if I need to add any more warnings or change my work to be more inclusive, sensitive or accurate in anyway please either leave a comment in this chapter (not another chapter i will likely loose track of it) or feel free to message me privately, I am a human and can always grow and do better but I need to be given the chance. Communication!

Also note that this list is subject to change

thank you,

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