The only chapter bc my ADHD could never write more than one.

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I woke up to find a steaming coffee and a cinnamon roll, freshly glazed, on the counter next to me. Smiling, I picked up the coffee, took a small sip, and jumped out of bed. I looked out the window to see small flakes of snow falling out of the fluffy clouds in the sky. I changed into my day clothes and found my snow leopard, Snowball, looking smug next to my door. "Snowball, you know I have to go up to the lab. Also thanks for getting my food." I smiled, petting him on the head.

After I let Snowball into the backyard, I hopped into my Acura and drove down the snowy road. When I arrived at the snow covered Mercury Labs, I pressed my badge against the card reader and pulled the door open leading to the main corridor of the building. I walked down the hall towards the elevator, pressing the up button. As the door was opening I heard someone yell out to me from across the hall, asking to hold the door. I held the door as he ran in. "Phew, thanks. I'm super late. I have to go investigate something for CCPD. Sorry about that." He wheezed, out of breath.

"It's fine, nice to meet you. I'm Caitlin Snow." I held out my hand to shake his.

He reached out, shaking my hand with a smile. "I'm Barry Allen. Thanks."

I smiled, asked what floor, and pressed the buttons on the side of the elevator. When we got to my floor, I waved goodbye to Barry and made my way to my lab. Once I got there, I scanned my badge, pushed open the heavy, wooden door, and set my bags down to put on my lab coat. Once I was ready I started on my research, moving from machine to machine scanning different objects.

Around noon, my boss stuck her head in to ask a question. "Dr. Snow," Dr. McGee, my boss, asked me, "Would you please meet me in my office, we have something we need to address." I nodded my head and followed her to her office, sitting down across the desk from her.

"My good friend Dr. Harrison Wells," Dr McGee started, "has asked some of us lab heads to choose some of our best scientists to help assist him in a project that could affect the future as we know it. I have chosen you to go help him with his special project. Hopefully you know how big this opportunity is, and choose to accept this offer. Also, in case you do accept the offer, know we will always welcome you back into the company. You are one of our best scientists." She smiled and thanked me for listening.

She walked me over to the door and let me out. I thanked her, also addressing the fact that I was now on lunch, and walked over to the elevators. Once I reached the bottom floor, I had taken about two steps before I ran face first into someone. "Oh! I'm so so sorry! Let me help you pick these up!" I said not looking at who I ran into, instead dropping to my knees and starting to pick up stray papers.

"It's okay, really. You'd be surprised how many times that has happened to me." He said, laughing slightly and bending down to help.

"Oh my gosh! Barry!" I said finally looking at who I had run into, placing a hand on my chest to slow my breathing.

He smiled softly and said, "Really, Dr. Snow, it's fine. I got it."

I thanked him once more, handed him his papers, noticing a few different CSI reports, and rushed out of the building to my car. 

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