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Ichi had always been a dreamer. Ever since she was a little girl, she would spend hours daydreaming about fantastical worlds and characters.

But as she grew older, her dreams became more vivid, more intense, until she found herself living in two worlds.

The real world, and the world of her dreams.

It was in one of these dreams that she first met Kian. He was unlike anyone she had ever met before. Tall and dark-haired, with piercing green eyes and a smile that could light up the room.

From the moment they met, Ichi felt a connection to Kian that she couldn't explain. They talked for hours, walking through fields of flowers and forests filled with magic.

And when they finally kissed, Ichi felt a spark of something she had never felt before. But when she woke up, Ichi was confused.

Had it all been a dream?

She tried to brush it off, but as the weeks went by, she found herself thinking about Kian more and more, wishing that she could see him again.

And then, one night, she found herself back in that dream world, with Kian by her side. They talked and laughed and kissed, and Ichi felt as if she had finally found her soulmate.

Yet when she woke up, she knew that it was impossible. Kian didn't exist in the real world, only in her dreams.

Despite this, Ichi couldn't shake the feeling that Kian was meant to be a part of her life. She started to research lucid dreaming, hoping that she could find a way to control her dreams and see Kian whenever she wanted.

And it worked. Every night, she would fall asleep and find herself back in that dream world, with Kian by her side.

But as much as they loved each other, Ichi knew that they could never be together in the real world. Kian was just a dream, a figment of her imagination. And yet, she couldn't bear the thought of living without him.

It was then that Kian suggested a solution.

What if they both decided to sleep indefinitely?

They could be together forever, in their dreams, and never have to worry about the real world again.

Ichi was hesitant at first, but she knew that she couldn't live without Kian. They made a pact to sleep indefinitely, and they both fell asleep, hoping to never wake up.

And so, they slept. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. They were together, in their own world, but they were also completely cut off from reality.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Ichi's family and friends were worried about her. They couldn't wake her up, no matter what they did. They took her to doctors and specialists, but no one could explain what was wrong with her.

And then, one day, something miraculous happened. Ichi and Kian both woke up, in a hospital room, confused and disoriented. They looked at each other, and then they looked at the people around them.

"I think we need to talk," Kian said.

And so began the next chapter of Ichi and Kian's story. They had been willing to put their lives on hold in the name of love, but now they had to face the consequences of their decision.

Would they be able to navigate the real world, with all of its challenges and complications? or would they retreat back into the safety of their dream world, where they could be together without any obstacles?

It wasn't going to be an easy decision, but Ichi and Kian knew that they had to make it together. They spent months in therapy, trying to come to terms with what had happened and how they could move forward as a couple.

Slowly but surely, they began to integrate back into the real world. They got jobs, made friends, and started to build a life together...

...while they were undeniably happy, they both knew that something was missing. They missed the freedom and magic of their dream world, and they longed to be able to enter it again.

And so, they made a different pact. They would continue to live in the real world, but they would carve out time to visit their dream world whenever they could. They couldn't stay there forever, but they could still experience the love and excitement that they had found there.

Years went by, and Ichi and Kian grew old together. They had children and grandchildren, and they lived a full and happy life.

And even in their final moments, as they lay together in bed, they both smiled, knowing that they had found a love that transcended time and place.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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