Chapter two. ((edited))

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Mr. Kang and Seulgi was driven to the Baes' mansion. Even if Seulgi was living in a mansion herself, she was still in awe of the beauty of a mansion. It looked majestic and elegant.

She looked at the garden, many gardeners maintained the beauty of the garden, some were shaping the grass, some mowing and others cleaned after the others.

She then saw a fair, white girl, who probably was around her age, sitting on a pool bench with the leash of her dog on her wrist, whilst holding a tanning reflector. She had her sunglasses on. Is she the sister of the person I am marrying? She looks nice, I think. Seulgi thought as she looked at her.

Seulgi observed her for a while. The girl put down the reflector and took a sip of the juice that was right beside her. She then noticed a car, so she lowered her sunglasses a bit and stared at Seulgi's car. Good thing she couldn't see them because their car was heavily tinted.

She then shrugged it off and put her glasses back and continued what she was doing.

Then their car stopped at the main entrance. Our chauffeur opened the door for them and was greeted by several maidservants that bowed upon them as they passed through. A guy gestured his hands, guiding them to go inside.

"Welcome, Mr. Kang, Ms. Kang." (Sorry, don't know the English equivalent of 'nim' honorific).

He bowed to them, Seulgi being polite, she bowed at him, too, which shocked him.

They got in the enormous mansion and was offered to wait in the living room, the maidservant offered them cucumber juice. Seulgi turned around to look at the beautiful interior. Everything was designed so beautifully and emphasized every corner there was.

Then a couple walked in, Seulgi assumed they were the Baes. Seulgi's dad stood up and shook hands with both of them, giving them a wide smile.

"Oh, this must be your..." He pointed at Seulgi and Seulgi bowed to him, smiling as well.

"Daughter, yes." Both of them smiled at her and she smiled back, showing her eye smile.

"Joohyun would totally adore that eye smile." [Joohyun is a unisex name in Korea.]

Joohyun is my soon-to-be husband's name? Seulgi thought. She was curious how he looked like because as what she assumed, the girl she saw earlier as his sister was gorgeous, so might as well her future husband, too. Little did she know, Joohyun was a woman.

Mr. Bae signalled one of the maidservant to come to him, and she instantly did. "Can you please call her? She needs to meet this lovely lady here."

Seulgi got dumbfounded. Her? What did he mean 'her'? Why was she meeting 'her' and not 'him'?

Mr. Kang tapped Seulgi's shoulder, indicating it was okay.

Then later, the girl from the lawn earlier,

As Seulgi laid her eyes on her, she found her smile the prettiest.

Then Mr. Bae grabbed Joohyun's arm, making her close to him. "This is Joohyun, but call her Irene."

Seulgi was shocked but of course, she didn't display the shock on her face, inside, her mouth agaped and eyes widened, but on the outside, she just looked emotionless.

"Irene, it's a little polite to say hi to your future wife." Mr. Bae said and Seulgi almost choked by her own saliva. By that, she gathered everyone else's attention.

"Ms. Kang, are you alright?" The woman whom she assumed to be Irene's mother, asked. Mr. Kang stroke her back twice.

He made Seulgi was alright and he asked for water.

The maidservant handed her the glass of water and she took a teeny tiny sip.

"Why don't we have dinner? Let's further discuss all of these once we're full." Mr. Bae offered and everyone else in the room followed him.

Seulgi looked at Irene who was giving her a look. She didn't seem to like Seulgi. Seulgi just shrugged it off because she might thought Irene's mean.


"I will invest 60% in it, and yours would be the remaining 40%. Is that too much or shall I decrease the percentage?" Mr. Bae said as he took a bite of his medium rare steak. During dinner, only Mr. Bae's voice and the utensils ckinking on the plates.

Seulgi's dad shook his head. "No, it's a fine deal."

"Great. Now, to our last resort, marriage. This business acquisition will fail without the marriage of these two, because they are the successor of our companies." Mr. Bae explained. Everyone listened eagerly.

Seulgi wanted to just melt at that moment. I mean, LGBT and same sex marriage was already possible in Korea, but she didn't know it would happen to her.

She didn't know anything about romance because she never experienced it despite her looks.

"So Seulgi, what do you say, Princess?"

"I'm fine." She calmly spoke, then she turned to Irene who was next to her. She purposely stepped on Seulgi's foot which she winced a bit. Seulgi's father noticed but she said it was nothing.

"And Joohyun?"

"Absolutely not." She said, crossing her arms, smirking at her.

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