the girl in the upstairs window

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Every day little children would play in the mother always said “Kids who play in the street had parents who didn’t have money and didn’t care about their children.” I always knew mother was wrong .she said my sister was my friend and that her family abused her and that we took her in. I didn’t believe her. She told me that grandma was a demon and that she only went to church to appear as a good person. Mother never left me alone but when she did she would leave my sister in charge. Mother was a liar she never left me alone even when I slept. I was tired of mother. She never left me alone so I came up with a plan to get rid of her right by the window. That’s what I did. I told her I saw a truck and kids running toward it and walking away from the truck with some type of candy. She believed me and went to the window and that’s when I did it. I hit her in the back of the head with grandma’s old church cane. I threw the cane over on the old couch and screamed “FATHER! FATHER!”  With tears running down my face. He ran in. He saw her body lying on the ground. Emma had come in behind father slowly. The house was quite. Emma had opened her mouth and said “You did it.” Father said “What?” Emma said “She did it.” Father was stunned by what she had said .he said to her “Emma she is your sister that’s not very nice or funny, your mother is on the floor dead and you’re making jokes? GO TO YOUR ROOM!” Emma said “But father.” Father said to himself “How could this had happened?” I said “Father, who would do such a thing?” Father said “Em…Em…Emma.” ”Margret stay here, I’m going to call the police”. I yelled “FATHER WAIT LOOK!”I pointed toward the window and that’s when I did it I hit him in the back of the head with his old shotgun. He fell to the ground right on mother’s cold, pale body. I dropped the gun and ran to Emma. Emma said “Wh…wh...where’s father?” I said “He went out.” In my head I told myself like a light. Emma said “Well when will he return?” I said “Why are you so worried?” Emma ran out of the room. I yelled “Emma come on, come play with me.” Emma ran out the house, I got a chair and put it next to the phone .I dialed 9-1-1.The phone picked up “Hello?” a nice female voice answered .I told her in a panic “There’s a crazy girl I running around town.” I started to make sniffling sounds into the phone. The voice said “It’s going to be okay where is she now?” I said “She is on Sesame Street”. The voice said “Can you give me a description of her appearance?” I said “She’s a short little girl with reddish hair in braids.  She is in a little short blue dress with black shoes.” The voice “Do you have any relation to her?” I was scared; I didn’t know what to say. I thought that if I told her that we were related I would get caught. I said “She’s my cousin who came to visit.” The voice asked “How old are you?” I said “I am only eight.” She asked “Is anyone there with you?” I answered “N…no she killed my mother and my father.” The voice said “We’re sending help over right away.” I hung up the phone. I ran up the stairs to where my parents’ bodies were laying. I made tears come from my eyes. I heard the police come in the house. They were yelling “IS ANYONE HERE?” I said “I’m in here.” They ran into the room, they asked “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I answered “No I’m fine.” They grabbed the bodies, took them outside I looked out the window. A tear rolled down my face. They said “We’ll have to take you down to the station to investigate.” I nodded 

We arrived at the police station. They took me to this weird was all gray and there were no mirrors, no windows, there was nothing but a table, some chairs, and a pitcher of water. I heard them lock the door. I sat down in the chair; I felt the walls closing in on me. A nice man came in .he said “Hello I’m Officer Lakeline.” He sat in the chair across from me. He said “What’s your name?” I stuttered “M…M…Margret.” He said “Wow you sure are shaky there, am I making you nervous?” I lied and said “N…n…no.” He said “There’s no reason to lie, were all friends here”. He said “So do I make you nervous?” I said “Yes kind of.” He said “Would you prefer if my nice friend came and talked to you?” I said “Yes.” He said “Alright.” He walked out of the room, the door slammed behind him. The door opened a nice lady walked in she sat down. She said “Hello Margret, I’m Officer Clifford.” She spoke with a British accent. I said “Hello.” She said “May I ask you some questions?” I said “Sure.” She said “Okay great.” “What’s your mother’s name?” I said “Lucy Michelle Donald.” She said “What’s your father’s name?” I said “Robert Garey Donald.” She said “Well can you tell what happened?” I felt pressure by that question I actually felt guilty about what I had done it was a little too much pressure for an eight year old. It was cold in the room and I had started sweating on my head. That’s when it happened it all came out. I said “OKAY I ADMIT IT I DID IT I KILLED THEM I ONLY DID IT TO HAVE FREEDOM FROM MY MOTHER SHE NEVER LETS ME DO ANYTHING BY MYSELF! SHE ALWAYS CONTROLS ME LIKE A DOLL!” Officer Clifford looked stunned. She said “Thank you for your honesty and I’m sorry that I have to do this but were going to have to send you to juvenile detention.” I said “Why can’t you just let me off with a warning?” she said “Because that’s not the way the law works Margret.” She put hand cuffs on my wrists. I began to cry as she walked me out of the room. I kept resisting. They put this mask over my mouth. I felt woozy. I fell asleep.

I woke up in this weird place with a lot of color where I had some jacket that wouldn’t let me use my hands. There were people around me one person said “What are you here for?” I said “I murdered my parents and blamed their murder on my sister.” Another person said “Tell us what happened.” I said “Alright.” I no longer felt guilty I felt good that I had friends. I started the story and they started getting closer and closer. They were so close that I could almost smell their breaths. One person opened her mouth as did the others .They stood up and pounced on me and they began to bite me. I tried to get away but I could never get away fast enough. They ate me up quick. I tried to scream but it would never come out of my mouth. I began to try to cry but the tears would not come out of my eyes. I realized no one got to hear my legacy or hear how I died. I began to slowly fade away from existence. Until I was nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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