Little Shark

415 29 78

A/N: For Gakushuu's Birthday Week

Prompt: Fish


Known fact: Humans are the shark's biggest predator.


It was raining on the drive to the aquarium and there was traffic.

Gakushuu's small trainers kicked against his booster seat as he was sitting in the backseat while his parents were talking.

"This is waste of time," his dad sounded annoyed, as his finger tapped against the steering wheel.

"We've barely spent time as a family in months," his mom whispered too loudly, tone harsh. "And, why are you even in a suit, it's a Saturday."

"I still have to work," his dad said dismissively. "Do you know how many meetings I had to move for this?"

His mom scoffed. "The least you could is spare a few hours with our son—"

"What do you think I've been doing the last year?" his dad interrupted, whispering too loudly. "Out of the two of us, I'm the one paying attention."

"Giving him useless tests isn't—"

"I'm teaching him," his dad's voice rose slightly.

Gakushuu's brow furrowed as he listened to his parent's voices grew harsher. "Mommy, can I have music—?"

"Gakushuu, sweetie, please don't interrupt grown-ups," his mom replied in exasperation, sighing. "We're talking."

Gakushuu's frown grew. "But—"

"I'd hardly call this talking," his dad remarked dryly. "If you wanted to argue we could have stayed at home."

His mom's expression tightened. "How am I arguing with you?"

Gakushuu watched as his parents argued, and frowned, looking outside of the window as their voices became grating and hurt his ears. He tried to drown them out by listening to the rain and traffic outside.

"—Why do you always do this?"

He watched the raindrops stream across the window like racing fish.

"—Ever since that boy—"

"Don't bring him into this."

Gakushuu traced his finger on a raindrop, as it merged into another raindrop, racing across the glass.

"God, it's like I don't even know you anymore..." His mom sounded sad.

"You're being hysterical." His dad sounded impatient. Detached. "If you're going to be like this all day, we can turn around and just go home."

His mom was quiet after that.

Gakushuu hummed to himself and traced the raindrops racing. "Mommy?" he asked since both his parents had stopped talking now. "Mommy?"

His mom made a sniffling noise and was wiping her eyes for some reason. "Y-yes, sweetie, what is it?"

"Can I have music?" he asked again.

"Okay, fine," his mom's voice sounded strained. "Do you want your numbers song?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I want the number song."

His mom listened and put on the yellow tape, and then pressed play.

The car filled with the sound of cheery music reciting the times tables, starting from 1x1 and then moving through the order.

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