Chapter four. ((edited))

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"Days of being in hell it is." Irene muttered from upstairs, seeing Seulgi being escorted inside the mansion.

The maidservant had her luggage, and she was turning around, still in awe of the place.

"I can't believe I'm staying here." She giggled then the maidservant smiled as well.

"Making friends with slaves, too? Really, Kang Seulgi?" Irene thought.

Irene wanted to make a grand entrance to welcome Seulgi. She wore a white top with a red blazer and skirt. She walked down the stairs to be greeted by an amazed Seulgi.

"Good day, Irene."

Irene stopped her by waving her finger putting it on Seulgi's lips.

"Miss." She said. She wanted Seulgi to call her miss because she wanted to feel superior. Seulgi brows furrowed. "Miss? You are going to be my wife."

"That's right, but not yet. So, Miss Irene would do." By that, Seulgi would've sounded like she's one of Irene's maidservant. She then turned to the maidservant behind Seulgi, grasping on Seulgi's luggage.

"Put that down and let Miss Kang bring that up to her room." The maidservant at first hesitated but Irene gave her a look which scared her. Then Irene shooed the servant away.

Seulgi just looked at the servant who ran away then turned to Irene. "Why'd you do that for?"

Irene smirked. "You know, rules are set in this household. I am the rule maker, and there's nothing you can do." Irene placed her hands on her waist, with a fierce look plastered on her face. Her brows raised and lips formed a straight line.

"Ah, I see." Then Seulgi turned away to go to the stairs. Irene was shocked because of her response. She wasn't even intimidated.

Irene saw Seulgi struggled on the stairs and the maidservants ran up to her. "Miss Kang!"

But Irene yelled, "Help her or get your ass out my house. Take your pick." Irene was really playing it hard for Seulgi to just give up and leave. But Seulgi thought she would endure it for the sake of their company.

The maidservants ended up not helping Seulgi and cowered back to their places. Seulgi just looked at Irene with a pitied face and she shook it before struggling her way up again.

When she reached the top, Irene clapped her hands. "Wow, you made it, Kang. Good job." But Seulgi just ignored. She just stopped there because she didn't know where her room was.

"Excuse me, your graciousness, but where is my room?" She emphasized the word graciousness to annoy Irene. Which was successful because it did annoy Irene.

"Who said you have a room here? You'll sleep in the storage room." And by that, she turned away and went out the mansion with a victorious look on her face.

As soon as Irene was gone, the maidservants rushed up to her, apologizing for not being able to help.

Seulgi asked to be escorted to the storage room, but the maidservant didn't want to. "Miss Irene told me to. Come on." Seulgi said. The maidservant just bowed her head, leading, and Seulgi was behind, following.


The room was small and messy. The maidservants thought of cleaning while she go stroll around the mansion to familiarize with every corner there was.

All of them had no to choice to not protest because what Irene wants Irene gets. If she wanted Seulgi to sleep there, Seulgi will end up sleeping there.

She even took it as an opportunity to bully Seulgi while her parents were away for some business matters overseas.

She wanted to drive Seulgi nuts to the point that the marriage would just not push through.


Seulgi went downstairs to be greeted by Irene, whose eye brows were raised.

"And where do you think you're going, Kang?" She crossed her arms, looking at the innocent Seulgi.

"Just going to take a tour around."

"And who told you that?"

"Um, the maidservant told me to, so I wouldn't get lost in this gigantic place." Irene scoffed, now Seulgi was following orders from a maidservant. It made her laugh.

"Are you stupid?"


"I said, are you stupid?"

"No, I totally heard you."

"You're following orders from a maidservant, you're funny." Seulgi didn't mind it because back at their home, she was friends with their maidservants. She treated them like her friends. But she was shocked by how Irene treated hers.

Like what Mama Kang told Seulgi, maidservants were just like them, but they just got lucky. That's why she wanted Seulgi growing up, treating everyone the same despite of their occupation or status. That's what many people admired her for.

"You know, it's not about following orders from who. It's more of taking suggestions from a friend." By that, she turned and walked away. Leaving Irene stunned by her words.

"Wow, Kang. Your confidence is immeasureable right now. But we'll see about that very soon."

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