Masalın Sonu

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Haziran and Poyraz finally got married after all the challenges they had to face during the last few months. When everyone was already gone they could be all alone at the hotel.

- Poyraz: Haziran Sedefli Özgür, would you dance with me? – he asked extending his arm towards her.

- Haziran: We danced some minutes ago, Poyraz – she answered smiling.

- Poyraz: I want to dance with you alone – he whispered to her ear making her tremble.

- Haziran: Ok, let's do it then. But there is no music – she stated confused.

- Poyraz: It does not matter.. Let's go down to the shore and dance with the waves sound – he said holding her hand and walking towards there.

- Haziran: Poyraz! I'm wearing heels! Wait!

- Poyraz: No problem – he said kneeling and taking off her boots.

When they arrived at the shore they stopped there and started dancing. Haziran rested her head on Poyraz's shoulder and both enjoyed that peaceful moment.

- Haziran: I wish time stopped right now.

- Poyraz: I don't because we have so many things to do yet. Don't you think?

- Haziran: You are right. Can we be always like this?

- Poyraz: We will be always like this. I promise.

Haziran lifted her head and looked at him. They got closer to each other until their lips touched. Poyraz and Haziran kissed as husband and wife with just the sea and the sky witnessing their love. Suddenly, Poyraz took her in his arms.

- Haziran: Poyraz, what are you doing?

- Poyraz: I'm taking my wife with me – he said winking. at her.

Poyraz left the beach and walked towards their hotel room. Haziran helped him to open and then close the door. Then he lowered her to the ground.

- Poyraz: I have something for you – he said taking a little box from his pocket.

- Haziran: What is it? – she asked curiously.

- Poyraz: When you were leaving to Tokyo, I took your H necklace and I think it's time to return it to its real owner and that's you – he said opening the box.

- Haziran: Poyraz... You kept it... - she said moved.

- Poyraz: Of course I did – he pronounced putting the necklace around her neck – From now on, it will be always with you.

They kissed again and Haziran took off Poyraz's jacket while he lowered her dress' zip. That night they mere two bodies but one soul. Next morning they were asleep with Haziran resting her head on his chest.. Poyraz opened his eyes and looked at her completely amazed by her beauty. He didn't want to wake her up, but they had a ferry to take so he did.

- Poyraz: Sevgilim – he whispered caressing her cheek.

- Haziran: Noooo. Five minutes more, please – she asked opening her eyes.

- Poyraz: Nooo, we can't.

- Haziran: I know. Good morning – she said and kissed him.

- Poyraz: Good morning.

They had breakfast and took their luggage. Haziran and Poyraz said goodbye to their families and friends and hand in hand they walked through the island until they reached the ferry. Both remembered then the first time she went to the island and also when Poyraz stopped her from leaving. This time she was leaving but she was doing it with him.

Haziran was leaning on the railing and Poyraz was hugging her from behind. She had left everything behind for him once. She got to know him. his way of life, the island... Now he would do the same in Istanbul. He would know her life in the city and he would overcome his traumas.

20 years later

Haziran and Poyraz were back at the island to celebrate there the 18th birthday of Ada and Günes, their twin girls. Deniz, their 15 year-old son was also there. The next day, all of them went to the hotel's beach.

Haziran and Poyraz were on the sand with Biricik, Alper and Melisa while their children played volleyball with Melisa and Alper's children and Biricik's daughter. She broke up with Beyazit many years ago but she was a single mother.

Poyraz and Haziran walked away from there some meters and he played a video with his phone. It was the video he and Haziran recorded 20 years ago during the marathon. They were happier than they thought they would ever be. When the video came to an end they kissed.

- Poyraz: I love you – he said smiling at her.

- Haziran: I love you – she repeated also smiling.


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