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Mrs Rogers POV:

I lay in a fetal position holding my arms tight which hurt my fresh re opened scars,
Finally getting out of my bed I take my  pills and put a black hoodie on. Gahh..
Forget it, what's the point of brushing your teeth.. no one said it stunk. I hid my
Dark wings and tail and forced a smile. Sheesh last night was a oner, "mum I'm
Going now bye." I say " bitch does it look like I care." Says mum "oh o-o-ok-k.."
"Conformist bitch" my mother muttered leaving a whimper to spit out my mouth.

(creds: killgogo)

A meme to watch Mrs Rogers when she turned emo

Mrs Robert's POV:
Damn... Mrs Rogers been off lately. She's been saying how lonely ness and decoration
Is basically her right now... I love her she cute. Her ass is so thick.

Mommy- sorry- mo- mo- m-m-mooo......

Damn..l mrs Rogers fine,...

There she is. I heard she used to be a. Boy then her mum started to clown her for being a trans. Her mum can't chat with her discombobulated haircut and that motherfuckin out of
Placed hair line. Homophobic silly bitch.

Mrs Rogers: "H-h-hi.. b-b-b-babe...."

Mrs robberts: "hey baby girlly. You look pretty than ever"

Mrs Rogers: " what ever." *blushes and sweats" "uwu"

Mrs Robert's POV:
I'm kinda getting pissed off SHES always in a hoodie and I'm scared to tell her sensitive ass
But.. HER BREATH SMELLS LIKE ASS. so today I'm going to find out why... why she does that."

Mrs Robert: hey babe. Why do you were a black hoodie all the time."

Mrs Rogers: "b-b-becaus-se I-I- like l-l-like it...uwu"

It can't be.... Mrs Rogers... my baby.... Holding her wrist, and shaking is she.... N-no
That's not like her... but.... I.. maybe wrong so... I will have to see for my self.

Mrs Robert: "hey. Let me see your wrist."

Mrs Rogers: "w-what"

Mrs Robert: "why the soon I said that why do you always were a hoodie you were shaking and you FUCKIN— uh—huh"

*mrs Rogers finches and puts her arms around her face in protection*

Wait. It can't be.... Is she getting abused ? SO THE ROMOURS OF MY BABEZ MRS ROGERS GETTING ABUSED IS TRUE.
Wait... what is that... a bandage i see with like... fresh blood.

*mrs Robert pulls Mrs Rogers arms and pulls her sleeves up.

Mrs Robert: "baby..... W-W-WhY.... Why. WHY BABY WHY?

Mrs Rogers: " o- ow.... OW.."

*Mrs Rogers turns into a demon and flys to her home."

I'll give her time..

(End of school)

Ok I am gonna check on her. You can do this mrs Robert's.

Mrs donohue: heyyy! Sooo your girlfriend texted me and uhh weeellll... I'm sorry dear but
She said that she does not want to know you no more and you should go f your self in your
Gran pants filled with white and black skin marks."

Mrs Rogerts: "..."

* mrs roberts runs to Mrs Rogers house"

*knocks on door rapidly*

*mrs Rogers answers*


Mrs Roberts: babe... I just want to help you.

*mrs Robert holds Mrs rogers in her arms and cry's"

Mrs Rogers: woah... babe..... I'm sorry. I lo-love you.

Mrs Robert: me to. OH and also. You need toothpaste?

Mrs Rogers: heyy 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Mrs Rogers recovered and  killed her mum.

40 years later..

A certain homophobic brown haired student: augh Mrs Rogers and Mrs Robert's is such f4gs.

A hot blonde long haired student: hahaha

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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