Wangji Visits Lotus Pier

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Wuxian could not believe his eyes. He had done a double take, rubbed his eyes, and even pinched his own arm and the Lan Wangji that stood in the throne room to Lotus Pier never disappeared. Even Jiang Cheng was confused.

About a month before this odd situation occurred, Wuxian had been pestering the younger Jade Twin to visit. Promises of food with more flavor than what was served at Cloud Recess and a boat trip around the lotus ponds, Wei Wuxian never actually thought the boy would come.

But at last, here he was, bowing respectfully to his parents, Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian.

"Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng, you didn't tell us that you invited your classmate, Hanguang Jun." Madam Yu grimaced towards the boys.

"My apologies, we seem to not have a room ready for you due to the lack of communication." Image was everything for Madam Yu. Wuxian was never going to hear the end of this.

"Nonsense dear. They are young boys. Sharing a room for a few nights won't be the end of the world," Fengmian tried to reason.

"You can share with Wuxian. I heard you too spent a lot of time together in the library due to my son's aversion to listening to rules."

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but snicker at the idea of Lan Wangji, sharing a bed with the likes of Wei Wuxian. They were practically sworn enemies. Wuxian was going to be lucky if Wangji didn't decide to kill him during the first night.

"That will be no problem. Wei Wuxian." Wangji trailed off the sentence as if to say, after you.

"Ah, right." Still shocked that the white clad boy was standing in front of him, Wuxian took a minute to put his thoughts together. "Lets, ah, I... My room, right! Follow me."

Needless to say, Lan Wangji didn't know why he showed up to Lotus Pier himself. He kept rationalizing that it was for the fresh lotus seeds that grew all around the riverbanks of the town, or for the fact it would be rude to turn down an offer. However, deep down, Wangji knew that he came here for one person: the boy who was currently leading him to the bedroom.

Opening the door, Wuxian quickly noticed how messy his room was. Scrolls and books piled high next to the bed, his sword Suibian, thrown to the side carelessly. But what hit him next was the fact that he only had one bed.

"Ah, you can have the bed. I will sleep over here," he rambled as he shoved a stack of books to the side of the room.

"It would be rude of me to take your personal bed. I can sleep on the floor. I insist." Wangji blushed.

After an awkward debate for about an hour, the two stubborn boys ended the issue by both sleeping on the floor wrapped in the same blanket, and never spoke about it to anyone.

Wangji Visits Lotus Pier (for the lotus seeds of course)Where stories live. Discover now