Chapter 1: Eye is Key

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 The rain slammed into the ground around me, it was a nice, calm night for a walk, the smell of rain filling my nostrils. The cold stone path beneath my feet, illuminated only by a street light overhead. There I saw it, a large humanoid figure. Their red hat and suit heavily contrasting the night sky. "Hey Kid" he said to me, his voice having echo behind it.

"H- Hello there sir" The figure turned to me; their face covered by shadow.

"Now kid, I hear you have been having some trouble, in the mental, and physical sense... you still feel guilty don't you... and of course you have a permanent reminder of this event don't you"

"I- I don't know what you're t- talking about sir" I feel like I should know what they're talking about, something is nagging at the edges of my subconscious.

"Of course, you don't, you'd never tell a stranger the truth would you, you can't be guilty of what you can't see, you'll know where to find me" Their body was engulfed in a flash blue fire. When the fire subsided, they were gone. All that was left as proof of their existence was a small business card on left on the floor, the front of it reading, "Tai's Deals" In a bright red font, the only thing on the back was the words, you know where to find me.

"What guilt do I have..." That question rang through my mind for the rest of my walk. I took a deep breath as I opened my door. "Hey mom"

"Oh hey John!" My mom's smile, and soothing voice took away any worries I once had, "How was your walk?"

"It was good, I-" I cut myself off before I finished my sentence, no need to worry my mother.

"Huh? What was that?"

"Nothing mom, what's for dinner?"

"Uh, heat up some leftovers, I didn't have much time today"

"Oh, ok" I went to my fridge and pulled out a pan of spaghetti, and then put it back, I wasn't that hungry anyways, "I think I might go get ready for bed, I'm kind of tired..."

"Oh... is everything okay? You seem off"

"I'm good, just tired"

"Oh, alright... sleep well then"

'Thanks, you too" I walked up my stairs and past the guest room, it may have been inhabited in at one point, but no one has been in it in forever. I took a shower and put on my pajamas, layed down in my bed, and quickly fell asleep.

In front of me stands my reflection, only the left eye staring back at me, the right covered by a bandage. "You'll know where to find me" The figures voice rings through my head, my eyes focus in on what's standing behind me, a floating pale orb, no eyes, no nose, just a mouth, an eternal smile. "You'll know where to find me" I curl my hand into a fist, and punch the mirror, the glass shatters instantly, revealing a room behind it, my room. The figure is there, they open a drawer in my desk, and puts an envelope in it, they turn to look at me, but before I could get a good look at their face, I see myself looking at my roof.

I tear off my blankets and look at my clock, midnight, my mother should be asleep by now. I go to my desk and open the drawer I saw the figure open; nothing is inside. I begin to close the drawer when I notice the bottom shake a little, I reach down and the bottom collapses, revealing an envelope labelled "To, Me" I open it and pull out a large sheet of paper, only three words are on it in frantic and panicked handwriting.

Eye is key

I race to my kitchen and grab 2 spoons, and then race back to my bathroom. I look myself in the eyes, two staring back at me, and bring the spoon to my right eye, I breathe in, and place the spoons into the right eye socket, I breathe out, here comes the difficult part, I breathe back in, and pull the eye out, blood began to pour out of the empty socket, I did my best hold in the pain, but it was still immense. I held the eye in my hand and saw writing on the back.

In Me

I grabbed one of the spoons and cut the eye in half, causing blood to drip onto the otherwise clean counter. Inside I see small black key. No note, no anything to tell me where it goes. What do I have that has a lock... a lock... wait. I race back to my room, peaking at the clock, I open my closet, and look at the top shelf, there it is, a small black box, a single lock keeping it closed, I pull it down and notice an engraving at the top.

No Turning Back

I open the box, and see an envelope, the name it was addressed to had been covered in black marker. I open the envelope, and pull out a piece of paper, the first line being addressed to me.

Dear John, 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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