Just Sleep it Off

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It was very hot and the blankets felt like a boa constrictor squeezing him. Trying to sit up, Yongseung was quickly stopped by an arm that flung around his chest, hugging him tight.

Confused as to why someone was in his bed with him, he looked over to see which member snuck into his room. A peaceful Hoyoung laid sound asleep. This wasn't his bed. There wasn't a bunk above him, only the ceiling.

That's weird. I don't remember going to Yeonho's and Hoyoung's room last night.

Pushing Hoyoung's arm away with more force, Yongseung got up and made his way to the bathroom to shower before the others woke up. Stumbling a little, it felt weird to walk for some reason. Maybe his legs weren't fully awake yet.

Flipping the lightswitch and entering the bathroom, Yongseung quickly washed his face and looked up into the mirror.

What?! Is this some type of elaborate prank? Am I still sleeping? Yongseng grabbed and pulled at his face, however the face staring back at him in the mirror was not his. It was Yeonho.

Running into his own room, he found his body sound asleep in his bed. It was like he was having a weird out of body experience and a nightmare all in one.

Hands shaking, he reached down to shake the shoulder of his own body to wake whoever was inside. Stirring, the boy rolled over and struggled to open his eyes.

The moment his eyes focused on Yongseung standing there, he shrieked starting everyone in the room. Kangmin shot up and looked down from his bunk rubbing his eyes confused.

"What's going on?" Dongheon yelled as he flew into the room. The boy in bed could only sit there and point at Yongseung, not being able to form words.

Eventually a stuttered "You You, Me? How? What is happening?" quickly he felt around on his own body before looking back up at Yongseung.

"I don't know. I just woke up in your bed all tangled with Hoyoung in your body." Yongseung explained.

"Wait so let me get this right, Yeonho is actually Yongseung, and the Yongseung sitting on the bed is Yeonho?" Gyehyeon tried to make sense of the mess as he leaned over the bed railing to look at Yeonho sitting below him.

"Yea it's to early for this, I'm going back to sleep." He turned back and pulled the covers over his head.

Hoyoung came in rubbing his eyes. "Yeonho ah, why did you get up so early?"

"We have a bit of a problem." Yongseung responded in Yeonho's place.

After Hoyoung was filled in and everyone was equally confused. They all sat around at a loss about what to do with this strange situation.

"What if this is a giant shared dream we are all having. Yongseung, go back to sleep in Yeonho's bed and Yeonho, stay here and sleep. Kinda like restarting a computer. It usually fixes everything." Minchan suggested off handedly before also laying back down to sleep again.

None of the other boys had any other better ideas so they all went back to bed. Around noon Yeonho's eyes fluttered open to see Hoyoung sleeping next to him like usual.

Oh good, it was just a weird dream. He smiled.

Kangmin bursted into the room suddenly, running over to the side of the bed Yeonho was on.

"Did we fix it? Are you Yeonho and not Yongseung?" he shouted.

Hoyoung chucked a pillow at the boy for waking him up the second time that morning. "Yea it's Yeonho now dummy. Yongseung would never sleep in this late. He is probably on his morning run right now"

The front door opened and Yongseung could be heard yelling "I'm back from my run and I brought back scones from the bakery down stairs to celebrate being back in my body."

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