Chapter 1

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"Hey!" A man comes running towards his friend.

"Have you done Mr. Ji's assignment?"

"You know the answer already."

"But still I wanted to ask you."

"Even if you ask me or not, I'd finish it before you even get to ask me."

"Well, as expected from a top student. Kyunggi High School made a gem."

"Well, my mother made the gem. The school just helps polish it." He smiles at his friend.

"You're witty too. People like you will be stuck in your chair and type a lot of things on your computer."

"While enjoying a nice..." He pauses for a second.

"Iced Americano!" They both said in unison and laugh.

The clever student is called Song Y/N. You're an ordinary student who does extraordinary things. You're a top student in the university.

Not only is he intelligent but he's a hardworking man as well. You have multiple part-time jobs just to help yourself as you don't want to rely too much and burden your stepparents.

You had lived in an orphanage with your friend who's beside you. You two have been best friends since the orphanage and live together in a student housing.

"Chan-ah, do you still have that shaving razor? My classmate wants to borrow it."

"Sure. But keep that razor safe and use it carefully. I still wanna use it to shave my facial hair." Chan said.

"Alright, thanks. By the way, can I use your perfume? It's for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow?" He asked you which made you let out a chuckle and start blushing.

"Are you going crazy? Why do you laugh suddenly? Wait a minute. Don't tell me... Are you gonna do that?!" You nod and smile.

"Hey, I'm telling you. Don't. I'm afraid you'll be very hurt." You let out a sigh.

"Unfortunately, this simp wants to face his fear. But don't worry, I'll be fine."

"You're 100% not gonna be fine. From experience, you'll suffer a week or a month from heartbreak."

"I think that's just you. Because I'm different from you. I'm not a crybaby." You smirk, making Chan annoyed.

"You little..." Chan was about to hit you when you look at the time and stops him.

"Wait! 4 minutes left before the lecture starts. We're gonna be late!" You and Chan tie your shoelaces before running as fast as you can to the class.

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"Babe!~" A girl shouts from afar.

"Babe~" A girl notices and approaches the girl who shouted at her.

"Was your class alright?" A girl with short hair nods.

"Ms. Nam gave us only one assignment for this week."

"That's great! Well then, should we have lunch at our usual place, Yuri-ya?"

"Sure, Yena unnie!" Yuri wraps her arms around Yena's left arm and leans her head on her shoulder.

"Hi, Yena-ya!" A student greeted her.

"Hey!" She replied in English.

"Hi, Yuri-ya, Yena-ya. You two look amazing today." Another student greets them.

How I Changed You (Choi Yena x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now