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-Katerina POV-
After the morning at Camp Nou, Anada decided to go some out where with Rafinha. I wanted to get as much time with Alexis' Lambo as I could so Neymar and I went to lunch. He was a little concerned with how fast I drove but in the end he didn't complain. However, he did complain about me rapping along to every rap song that came on the radio. He was shocked to hear me curse as much as I did when I Don't Fuck With You by Big Sean came on since normally I was so clean mouthed but in actuality, rap music was my favorite, next to Spanish music of course.

I returned home around 4 and just watched a few movies with Alexis and his dogs. He said he was tired so we both decided to make it an early night and went to bed. I showered and got into my bed but decided to go on Twitter and answer a few notifications before I slept.

My deep slumber was interrupted around 1AM and I couldn't fall back to sleep to save my life. I thought about waking Alexis up so I got out of bed and quickly put on a robe before I strolled to his room. I listened in the room and didn't hear a sound so I opened the door. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw no one in the bed. The bed was still perfectly made like no one had slept in it and I saw Atom and Humber sleeping on the floor in front of the bed. He had said he was tired earlier so where was he now?

I went back to my room and called him. "Hey, hermanita. What are you doing awake?" He answered the phone in a worried tone.

"I could ask you the same thing! Where are you?" I questioned.

"With a friend," he answered, vaguely. I heard a female voice in the background asking who he was talking to and my jaw dropped. "I have to go," he said shortly after and hung up. I laughed and shook my head. I thought I was the only one who kept my relationship a secret from him. I never expected him to do the same! I wondered if this was the first time he ever left in the middle of the night without me knowing and doubted it highly.

Atom and Humber woke up and slowly entered my room. They rubbed their heads against my leg and I squatted down to pet them. "Sorry to wake you guys up too," I whispered. Their tails wagged in happiness since I was fluffing their fur before I led them back to Alexis' room for them to sleep.

I pouted knowing Anada was with Rafinha. She and I were always there for each other when we couldn't sleep. We would watch episodes of our favorite telenovela and eventually fall asleep together. I really needed to get my sleeping schedule in order and learn how to sleep on my own.

I suddenly got an idea and grabbed my phone. I quickly tapped the name and waited as it rang and rang. I thought he wouldn't answer but on the last ring he picked up. "Baby, are you alright?" He asked, groggily. I felt bad for waking him but I was in desperate need of someone to help me sleep.

"Hi Ney, sorry to wake you up," I said.

"You don't have to apologize. You can always call me," he said. He sounded more awake now. "Tell me what's wrong," he muttered.

"I can't sleep," I answered.

"Did you try counting sheep?" He asked.

"Neymar," I groaned. The idea of counting sheep never worked to help someone fall asleep. It was the biggest lie!

"Alright, alright," he chuckled. He got serious and asked, "Did you have a bad dream?"

"No, I just woke up and can't fall back to sleep. I've been up for the last hour," I sighed.

"Aww my poor baby," he cooed. "Do you want me to come over?" He suddenly asked. My heart melted at the fact he was willing to come in the middle of the night just to sleep next to me.

I hesitated. "No, you don't have to..." I told, him. Of course I wanted him here but I didn't want to make him get out of the comfort of his own bed just because I couldn't sleep.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now