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-Katerina POV-
"This one?" Anada asked, holding up a pink maxi dress.

"You already bought one like that," I laughed.

"Yeah but just think how good my boobs would look in this!" She exclaimed. I laughed out loud but nodded at her and she found her size. We had been at the mall since it opened and to say we over did it was an understatement. José brought my car to the house last night and it was really coming to use today. It was packed with bags yet we were still shopping. It was an acquired skill to shop in 4 inch heels and Anada and I had mastered it. What can I say, what girl doesn't love to shop? Maybe it was the fact that our mothers did own a fashion company so it was a huge part of my life but I've always loved nice things. I never bragged about it though, I was blessed to be able to afford all of my possessions.

We continued to look through the racks of clothing when I asked her, "so how are you and Rafinha doing?"

"We broke up," she answered, nonchalantly.

"WHAT," I almost yelled. How was she so calm?!

She chuckled, "it was mutual, no harm done. We got into it to fast and never really knew each other. Once we got to know each other, we realized how different we are, but we're still going to remain good friends."

I nodded, understandingly, "but you two looked so compatible. I really liked him for you."

She shook her head, "We talked a lot after you and Neymar left and I realized that we just weren't compatible and I didn't want to be with someone who I didn't care for in an affectionate way, only a friendly way. He's still on speed dial though," she winked and chuckled.

I laughed at her. "Well I'm glad you realized it before you did anything you would regret. Rafinha is a good guy for being honest with you," I said. I liked Rafinha, he had a great personality and was nice to talk to. I was happy that he was going to remain good friends with Anada so it wouldn't be awkward between Neymar, him, Anada and I.

Anada nodded and smiled, "plus, that just frees me up to maybe go to a club," she nudged my shoulder.

"How did I know that was coming," I glared at her. Anada loved parties and I loved them just as much as I did. However, I wanted to not only protect our image, but also my relationship, from the media. The tabloids had a way of twisting things for the bad and I didn't want anything they said to endanger my relationship with Neymar. I loved him and there was no way I would cheat on him or do anything to hurt him but I knew the media loved a good scandal and all it took was one night out to cause trouble.

"Come on, you know you want to! We'll have a great time, just like before," she tried to persuade. "I know what you're worried about and you of all people should know I'll hunt the media down if they start telling lies again. Lover boy trusts you, babe, and you know yourself. There's nothing wrong with having fun. Don't let them ruin our good times," she told me.

She had a point. Then again, she was never wrong, though I would never admit that. I looked at her and she gave me the cutest puppy dog pout while she widened her big brown eyes. I sighed and nodded, "alright. Let's do it," I said.

She screamed in happiness and jumped up and down. I shushed her because people in the quiet store were starting to look our way and take pictures since they recognized us. She hugged me and kissed my cheek, "thank you, I love you!"

"Tell me something I don't know," I winked, playfully flipping my hair. She laughed and we walked across the store to the cashier. We paid for our things and left the store.

Anada was telling me about a movie we should go see when I heard a flash go off. We turned around and saw a crowd of paparazzi in the middle of the mall, approaching us. "Katerina! Anada! Pose for us!" They called out.

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