Chapter ten. ((edited))

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Irene blushed after that. Seulgi opened her arms wide and Irene cuddled on the other's chest.

"It's so soft. I mean, nice." She thought. She couldn't help but get embarrassed by her own thoughts.

The morning after, Irene woke up with no sign of Seulgi beside her.

She sat up. Was last night a dream?

She went to her room, brushed her teeth and washed her face. Then she combed her hair and went downstairs to see Seulgi cooking, surprisingly.

"Omelet?" Seulgi flinched after hearing Irene's voice. She turned to smile at Irene, then back to what she was doing.

"Nope, I baked almond croissant rolls and made you a cappuccino." Irene looked over at the rolls and Seulgi was putting garnish on them.

"Wow. I really love how you're decorating it. Feels like I'm eating in a high-class restaurant for breakfast." Seulgi chuckled at her remark.

Seulgi went to a French cooking school in Korea where she learned cooking. She always wanted to learn how to cook but since her had no time to teach her, she went to study by herself.

"Omelets are too common for a special lady like you." Seulgi smiled at her and Irene hid how she felt about it. She was shy. She then took a bite but Seulgi dragged her to the dining area to sit down.

"You are not eating, standing up." Seulgi pulled the chair for her and she sat down, then turned to Seulgi.

"Thanks. This is really good. I hope you cook for me every day." She said, enjoying every bite of her rolls. Seulgi was happy Irene liked them.

Seulgi even made cookies for her to share with the maidservants.

"Where's your parents, by the way?" Seulgi asked because ever since she got there yesterday, she haven't seen them, even on dinner.

"Oh. They went to Thailand." She just said. Seulgi was a bit shocked. "And it looks like you're fine with it."

"I'm 25. I'm fine. Besides, I even wanted to move out but they said I wouldn't handle life outside without servants. Soooo, yeah. I'm here." Irene said. Seulgi thought of Irene doing her laundry and spills the bucket full of water. She chuckled. Then Irene mopping, but ends up slipping. She laughed again.

"What are you laughing about?"

Seulgi sat across her. Irene was squinting her eyes at Seulgi who was laughing. She was hinting to stop laughing and Seulgi did. "Oh, nothing. I just really couldn't imagine you doing chores."

Irene kept on munching until some crumbs were on the side of her lips, Seulgi leaned closer and her hands slipped on the table which made her face centimeters away from Irene's. Seulgi's eyes widened and so did Irene's but Seulgi cleared her throat and took the crumbs off her lips by her thumb.

Irene was too stunned to speak.

"Hey, I might melt from being stared at." Seulgi teased and Irene shook her head, embarrassed again for what she has acted.

Seulgi smiled secretly while Irene continued eating. She knew she was developing feelings for the girl.


It was lunch time and Irene was outside, tanning. Seulgi thought of taking a dip since it wasn't really that sunny.

She even laughed a bit because Irene was tanning when the sun isn't even showing.

She changed into a sleeveless top and shorts and headed towards the pool. She even told Hoyeon, one of the maidservants in the household, to join her, but as always, they weren't allowed. But Hoyeon handed her a flamingo floatie to play with on the pool.

Seulgi said her thanks and headed to the pool.

She jumped and made a loud splash which scared Irene and when Irene took off her sunglasses and the reflector, she saw Seulgi enjoying in the pool.

She went inside to grab her watermelon floatie and joined Seulgi.

Seulgi thought Irene didn't like the idea of swimming but was shocked to see Irene coming back, sexier and with a watermelon floatie.

Seulgi smiled but Irene noticed it. She went to where Seulgi was and Seulgi caught her in her arms.

"Wow, Bae Joohyun. Never knew you were such a flirt." Irene smirked and grab a hold of her ass. "Hey!" Seulgi shrieked. Then Irene ran away, but since they were in the water, it made her slower and Seulgi was able to catch up to her.

She struggled while Seulgi hugged her from behind, even her arms couldn't move. Then she turned to Seulgi and their lips met. Both of them got shocked with what happened and Seulgi quickly let go of her. She just swam with her watermelon floatie, feeling embarrassed, yet in love at the same time.

Her heart was pounding so fast that if they weren't in the water and there were no splashing noise, Seulgi would definitely hear it.

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