Chapter 1

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Pinkie had been eagerly decorating Twilight's castle for almost an hour. Everything had to be perfect. After all, almost the entire town was coming to this party. Who wouldn't wanna attend a Hearth's Warming Eve party held by the princess of friendship and her genius party planner girlfriend? And with the Apple family bringing cider and treats, Rarity making those who ordered outfits the most amazing holiday ensembles you'd ever seen, it was quite the event to the ponies of Ponyville, as well as anyone else who wanted to attend.

Pinkie heard the front door open and immediately turned, to see Rarity with a rack of dresses.

"Hi, Rarity! What's going on?"

"Why hello, Pinkie! I know there's still over an hour before the party starts but I thought I'd deliver yours and Twilight's ensembles now so you could have enough time to get ready."

"Oh wow, Rarity! These are amazing!"

Rarity smiled.

"Hmm well I will admit, I am impressed with how good they turned out considering how many last-minute orders I got for the party in the last week. Where is Twilight? I would love to see what she thinks of her gown." Rarity said, looking around for where Twilight could be.

"Actually, I haven't seen her all day! She seemed pretty tired so I let her sleep in while i got a head start on the decorating."

Rarity smiled. "Oh Pinkie, you are quite the sweetheart! I just know Twilight will appreciate that more than anything. You've just been the most amazing girlfriend to her. You treat her so well."

Pinkie lightly blushed. "Aw shucks, really? I always try my hardest for her. She means the world to me and I want her to know that. Which reminds you wanna see what I got her for Hearth's Warming?!?"

"Oh of course! Show me show me!"

When Pinkie opened the box, Rarity gasped. It was the most Twilight gift ever. She was going to love it!

Once Rarity had left, Pinkie went to finally wake up Twilight. She slowly opened the door and tiptoed over to Twilight's bedside before whispering softly into her ear.

"Rise and shine, your highness!"

Twilight jumped at the noise, but quickly giggled and rolled to face Pinkie when she realized who had woken her up.

"Good morning, cutie. Did you come to cuddle? I really missed you last night and I need me some Pinkie time!"

Pinkie smiled and let out a little giggle. Ever since they'd admitted their feelings for each other Twilight slowly became more and more flirty. It was something Pinkie never expected from someone like Twilight, but it must've meant Twilight loved her a lot, that's for sure!

"You know I'd love to, but we can't. It's Hearth's Warming Eve, silly! Our guests will be here in a little over an hour! And you promised to help me finish decorating!"

Twilight took a deep breath as if hearing that made her very stressed. Pinkie sensed the drop in her mood and immediately checked up on her.

"Hey, is everything ok, Twi?" Pinkie said, sounding concerned.

"Wha- What do you mean?"

"You just seem kinda down. And I never want you to feel that way. But especially not on your favorite holiday. You LOVE Hearth's Warming more than anyone!"

Twilight smiled at that observation. "You're right, I do! It's just...I don't know..."

Pinkie put her hoof on Twilight's making them meet eyes while Pinkie spoke.

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