Boys' Confession time......

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Zayn's Pov

We all hopped outta the car once it stopped but Niall was the quickest.. we were barely at the dooor and Niall was already inside seated at a table.. we reached inside and sat at our table and Louis ordered the food.... the seating order went Me, Niall , Louis , Harry , Liam and me again..Some ten minutes later the food arrived and we all dug in.. in matter of minutes the food was finished..We ordered some 'desserts' and sat waiting...

"Zayn" Liam suddenly spoke up.. I looked up at him.. "what???" I asked a bit rudely cz I was still mad at him..Then something came off as a shock to me....

"I am so sorry Zayn..." Liam apologised..

"Why are you sorry ??" I askeed , totally baffled..

"Cz last days Ive been behaving reAlly rudely with u" he said with a sad look..

"its ok Liam" I replied before standing up and pulling him into a tight hug..

Then another shock... " Harry I am really sorry for what I did with Alex.. I regret what I did but I dont wanna go back cz I know she's not a toy.. I dont think we were meant to be... Harry I dont think I was good for her but I know who is .." Liam explained ..

"yah yah we know who is!! " Louis said.. He and Liam shared a look and grinned at eachother..

"Umm guys Vas Happenin' here??? " I asked cz I had no clue on whats going on.. seriously first Liam took her and now someone else ?? I mean come on why cant she be mine???

"Uhhh Zayn ... you ask her out.." Niall said..

"Me?????" I questioned and Louis , Liam and Niall nodded... Harry however gave no response..

"Harryy??" I questioned again...

He looked up at me and nodded with a smile.." But she doesnt... she doesnt love me..." I told them and they all shared looks.. but its true , isnt it?? I means she couldve told me.. Anyways I shouldnt get my hopes up now...

suddenly Niall said "Guys , since we're confessin stuff , I feel like this should be told.. "

"sURE" WE all replied in a chorus...

"When Alex arrived I developed a little crush on her.. but its over now. and I am waiting for my perfect girl.." Niall finished with a smile..

Now all of our eyes yurned on Louis...

"Take a picture , it'll last longer" he said Sarcastically...

"why are u acting weird today...???" harry asked ..

"Its nothing Haz " he replied innocently..

"Tell us" I Ordered..

"Nope" he denied again..

"Louis!!!" Liam warned....

"Fine..." He gave in.. he then took a deep breath and started "I dunno, guys. I've felt this way for a long time and I've held it in for so long, it just needs to be out in the open now."

"Go on, boo! " Harry whispered as he rubbed my arm.

"I, uh, Haz!", Louis took an another deep breath and turned to Harry, "I am in love with you, Haz!"

Harry continued to look at him for a long while before he excused himself and went to the loo.

Louis' face fell as Harry left but he was quick to follow his best friend.

-Louis' Pov-
I followed Harry to the loo and there he was, standing next to the sink, breathing fast.
"Haz, I. I am sorry. I did not want to force this on you. We don't-"
I was cut off mid sentence when Harry jumped rightin front of me and kissed me fare and square on the lips.
-Zayn's Pov-
They walked out of the loo, smiling really big smilesand holding hands.

"I am glad that we're all back to being best friends again... we had a lot of ups and downs.. but ofcourse * true friends hang on through the ups and the downs* " Liam said..

"I call a group hug" Louis said and we all stood up and hugged ...


Awwwww that was sucha cute chapter... I loved it....what about u guys ??

insatgram : @ashdirectioner2798

kik : directioner2798



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