Not a Danganronpa sprite but..

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My burger husband is killing it!

Yeah sexy piss haired pole-iceman is doing something with his arms I suppose

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Yeah sexy piss haired pole-iceman is doing something with his arms I suppose.

I got bored okay.
I honestly didn't need to make Q-Taro's ass any thiccer. He's just got those burger buns.

Side note: my friend says I'm a Kai kinnie for some reason because I act and type like him, that was my first introduction to Yttd. They said Q-Taro was my burger husband so I called him that ever since. As you can tell they ship qkai, I merely got dragged along with it

The game is good. Highly recommend.

But enough of that, if anyone has any designs they'd like to see redone let me know.

Other than that, stay safe sinners~

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