Welcoming Death in Open Arms

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Fuck no! I see my brother and best friends in the middle of a huge battle between them and that Snake Face. Hopefully, all of us can get the hell out of this mess together. I think to myself as I run over to them and push them out of the way as I take the hit. "Be careful you idiots!" I yell at them sounding annoyed but mostly worried keeping that part hidden, not feeling any pain at the moment but that's because of the adrenaline. Catching, Snake Face, off guard I take that as my chance to make that final blow and kill him off. Once that's done, I sigh in relief, and then everything hits me mostly the pain and then the emotions, causing me to groan out feeling myself slowly slipping away, I say with a smile "I love you, baby brother, always. Take care of yourself for me okay?"

"I'm literally only 5 minutes younger than you. Why the hell are you talking like that?! Nothing is going to happen to you! Don't fucking say that shit! You are a fucking gay Malfoy, Catherine! You are my fucking twin sister that is lesbian! I am not going to fucking lose you! Hell, I need you! I may have never told you this but you're my other half! I Love you, Cathy!" Draco yells through tears. "Please don't leave me, Cathy, please," he quiets down and begs through whimpers.

"I'm sorry please forgive me, brother..." I say breathlessly in pain and tears. "I will always love you, baby." with a memory altercation spell I change up the events for my brother and my best friends, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Luna as well as everyone else. The last thing your mom told me as she is a lesbian. I was devastated, My own mother. I was  I do is make sure to remove myself from everyone's memories, whispering through tears, "obliviate." One part of me hoping it doesn't really work on them, but the other part of me does so it doesn't break my family. "I Love You, Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna. Please forget about me, move on, and be happy, please"

"No! None of us ever want to forget you! Why?!" after a little bit they all look confused as to why they're all crying. With that I teleport away from everything and then it all goes black and the last thing on my mind was my family, Harry Hermione, Luna, Draco, Ron hope you guys live a long happy life. I love you guys so so much. If the past ever repeated itself I would do the same thing over and over again, but I'd make it out alive for you guys. Unfortunately, that's not what happened, so here I am welcoming death with open arms. I'm glad to have saved you guys and maybe even the world at that.

Third Person POV

Catherine Malfoy, the older twin of Draco Malfoy by 5 minutes has saved the world from the Dark Lord, but no one would remember that. Why? Well, that is because just before she died, she caused a memory altercation spell changing the events so Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom and the others had killed off the Dark Lord and became the heroes of the wizarding world.

However, before the spell was cast causing everyone to forget about her, Catherine had caught the attention of everyone when she jumped in. That is because her wand had broken a couple of days ago and everyone knew about it. This made people wonder what she was going to do and shocked everyone in the end by doing wandless magic and how powerful she was. With her powers, she created a healing dome over everyone but herself and Voldemort, which then she threw her attack after making sure that her loved ones were safe and then throwing the last attack killing him off drained even more of her energy causing her injuries to get worse and lacking the energy of healing. Just before she lost consciousness she teleported herself far far away from Hogwarts losing a lot more energy. Although she was inviting death with open arms, so that didn't really matter to her.

All of a sudden someone trips over an unconscious barely breathing body that's been badly injured. Shit, what the hell happened to her? How did she end up in the middle of nowhere? Did she teleport? Wait can she teleport? There are no bases anywhere near here, just my safe house. Picking up the unconscious girl, the person takes her to their safehouse. Quickly making a call letting the person on the other end know about what just happened. "Hello?" came from the other end of the line.

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