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Black converse tapped and paced back and forth against the square tile. "Stop pacing so much, people are staring." a woman with freckles said as she looked at her daughter. Ymir groaned and sat down in the uncomfortable chairs, and soon began moving her knee up and down. "Can't you stay still?" Ilse said with a sigh as she looked at the girls anxious form. "Mom. She's 2 hours late, and hasn't called, text, facetimed, nada. Yet you still aren't the least bit worried?" Ymir replied as she ran a hand through her hair standing up once more. Ymir and her mom were supposed to be meeting up at the airport to see a special someone that day, but she was running late. Very late. Another thirty minutes of Ymir's quiet babbling and Ilse's annoyed sighs, the mother's phone suddenly rang and she answered. "Hello...well yes it really that important?...N-no sir!...understood." she said and then hung up, sliding the phone back into her pocket as she arose. "Look kiddo, something's happened to the files at the office, and I have to go in. Might be pulling an all-nighter." she said, stretching her arms above her head. "I'll take a cab over, and leave the car with you. Will you be okay by yourself?" she asked her daughter as she handed her the keys to their old squareback. The tall girl nodded and put the keys in her pocket.

She was relieved but sad at the same time. "I really wanted you to met her.." Ymir trailed off, her mother smiling at her. "You really want me to show her all of your baby pictures? Maybe even break out Mr.Cuddle-puddles?" Ilse said teasingly, making Ymir turn a light red in her cheeks. "On second thought. Take all the time you need!" Ymir replied, earning a laugh from her mother. "I'll meet her tomorrow, maybe even go out to that new breakfast place." Ymir fist-pumped the air at the suggestion. "Love ya sweetie." Ilsle said as she kissed her daughter's cheek, having to slightly go on her tippy toes. Ymir smiled kindly and hugged her mother quickly "Love you too ma." Ilse gathered her stuff and began walking for the exit of the airport. "Oh yeah! No messing around either ya hear!" She yelled over to her daughter, making her cheeks go a bright red. "W-whatever!" Ymir exclaimed and sat down with her face in her hands covering her embarrassed face.

Time seemed to slow down, just to torment the girl. She played games on her phone, she made up rhymes, ordered food from the food courts, she got so bored she even started shipping some of the strangers walking past her. After shipping a person with red hair, and a tattoo on their wrist along a person with dark black hair with a tattoo peeking out of the top of their shirt toghether, she checked her watch and sighed. 10:23 p.m. She wasn't coming was she? No Ymir, positive thoughts, she'd want you to have positive thoughts. The teen crossed her arms and let out a slow breath of air, closing her eyes. She'd wait for another hour or so, and then she'd bolt. As the brunette waited, she slowly fell asleep. "K...rista.." she would mumble in her sleep from time to time.

A soft hand was placed on her cheek and Ymir smiled in her sleep, leaning into the hand slightly. The soft skin, the sweet smell of vanilla shampoo, it all felt so real. Too real. Ymir jolted awake ready to swing at whoever was touching her, but before she could she heard a soft squeak. She'd heard that startled sound before. Ymir blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes. A small blonde stood before her, a suitcase beside her. "Am I dreaming again?" Ymir whispered as she looked at the angle before her. Krista laughed and it was then Ymir knew that this was no dream. Quickly she lowered her fist and stood up. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she wasn't sure what to do or to say to her. "U-um..hi?" she finally go out and cringed afterwards. Wow Ymir what a great selection of words to say to the love of your life. Especially when you're meeting them in person for the first time. You should've planned this out better you idiot!

Krista smiled, and Ymir swore it felt as if she was staring at the sun. "Hey." she replied with the voice Ymir wanted to listen to all day. "Im really sorry that I got here so late." Krista said softly. Truth be told, she thought Ymir would be so much more mad at her than this. Ymir on the other hand had forgotten all about her being late. Krista could make her brain do this kinda stuff. "My flight was delayed, and then I was going to call but my phone was dead because I forgot to charge it last night, so I was sitting there hoping that you would still wait for me-" Krista babbled on, but stopped short once she was engulfed in a large hug. "I dont care about the past. I'm happy you're here with me now..." Ymir whispered holding the smaller closer to her. Krista smiled and took in a breath smelling Ymir's scent and hugging her back. After a while of hugging the two pulled away, both with smiles on their faces. "Do you know what time it is?" Krista asked while glancing around for a clock. Ymir took this opportunity to take her hand and kiss it as she lifted up the suitcase in her free hand. "Why obviously its 11:11." she replied as they walked to the exit. "Huh? How do you know that?" the blonde questioned, earning a smile from Ymir. "Well because that's when all wishes come true." the freckled girl said making Krista blush softly. They were now outside standing in front of Ymir's car. "When all wishes come true?" the blue eyed girl repeated to herself and then tensed taking a deep breath. "Well yeah. I mean at least that's what people say about the time. It's actually probably past 11 now but-" Ymir was talking but was cut off by a pair of warm lips. Her eyes widened a bit, but she slowly relaxed and kissed Krista back. Krista slowly pulled away and smiled. "Now all my wishes have come true." she said before quickly getting into the car. Ymir smiled and then looked up into the black dark sky. Airplanes took off and landed, couples broke up and got back together, children greeted their grandparents. Life kept moving. And so would she. Just not alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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