wow are you seriously dating your chair

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When Amor finally glances back up, he's greeted with his reflection glinting back at him in the bathroom mirror - a messy mop of deep blue, swept back with the max-hold hair gel he had nicked from Bosip's room that afternoon. 

He's ditched the usual getup for a more presentable black suit... also not his own, but hey. It fits him pretty much perfectly, barring the parts of the pants he had to roll up at the ankles. They'll be sitting down to eat, he reasons, so it's not like it'll be such a noticeable aspect of the otherall fit. While he was tempted to show up for his date in the usual trusty plain white t-shirt and shorts (really tempted, mind you), he wanted to make a real stunning and lasting impression, y'know?

First dates and all. 

Something like that- whatever, fancy restaurant, fancy clothing.
It made just enough sense to justify a more cleaner look, although no amount of sense was going to convince him to ditch the headphones too. The epic gamer headphones stay on during the romantic dinner date.

Calm down, man. It's just a dinner date.
Amor rattles the thought through his head over and over again, fumbling with the buttons on his blazer to distract himself from the urge to run his hands through his hair - which would certainly mess up the entire thirty minutes he took to style his hair. How the hell does Bosip stick to this routine every day? How many tubs of the stuff does he go through??
For all the planning that this date took on his behalf, he didn't really expect hair styling to take nearly as much time as it did. Getting the outfit was easier. But, hey.
He planned meticulously for this day, so he was gonna put his all into making sure it went to plan. Nothing but the best for his queen, or something like that.

He reaches up one last time to push a few stray strands of his hair out of his face before turning to leave the bathroom, trailing down the hallway and heading back into the restaurant area. After all, it would hardly be polite to keep your date waiting on you... and especially not a date as good-looking as his, frankly put.

Amor strides across the restaurant until he reaches a certain table, fairy lights strewn delicately across the walls nearby. From where they were seated, he could see people scrolling past - some faces familiar, some not. It was a popular place, no doubt. But no time to dwell on that, because his lovely date for tonight was a much more important subject to focus on than some stray passerby. He slips into the seat across from his beloved, shooting them a wink.

"Hey, sweetheart. Have you been waiting long?"

Amor's gaming chair does not respond, because it's more of a strong, silent type. And also because it's a chair, but those are the little details as far as anyone is concerned.

He puts his arms on the table between them to lean forward slightly, the surface of the wood feeling cool on his skin. He takes the lack of response as a negative.
"Heh- that's good. I'd hate to keep you waiting, or me waiting, because I'm actually really hungry right now. I thought about bringing snacks but that'd be weird because we're having a dinner date, soooo...."

The chair creaks in response.

Not exactly the chattiest of conversation partners, but it wasn't exactly expected to be so. Amor takes a moment to look, letting out a low whistle after glancing over it for a few seconds. "But hey, food aside, someone cleaned up real nicely today." There's a lilt at the end of his voice, and he shifts to get more comfortable now that they've settled into the atmosphere.

One of the waiters drops by a menu and he takes it with a smile, before directing his attention down to the options. Huh... okay. Lots of options, and he had a pretty good idea on what sounded like good date food. Setting the menu down, he raises his gaze back to meet his chair's. If you can consider that to be eye contact.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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