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and finally, the long awaited Branica book 😹. chapter one will be coming tomorrow.

play the song for the full experience. enjoy ❤️.


When Monica wakes up with an aching head and cotton mouth, she is warm . She rubs her hand over her face as she smacks away the nasty sensation in her mouth.

The curtains in her room are drawn open and the sun is entirely too fucking bright for her liking. She groans as the light aggravates her already fierce headache and she turns her head away from the sun only to be startled by another offending sight: Brandy attached to her, literally.

Monica's blouse is scrunched up in her hand and their legs are tangled together as Brandy has firmly secured Monica's leg between her own. She's dead to the world and Monica doesn't really know what to think, do, or say at the moment. If she's unnerved by the way Brandy has latched onto her while she sleeps, she's not vocalizing it - though she is definitely unnerved by the hold Brandy has on her. Once she gathers her bearings, her first instinct is to push Brandy off of her but then Brandy rubs her leg against hers and she freezes.


The way she sees it, she has two options. Option One: pushing Brandy off of her and risk waking her up or Option Two: leaving her the way she is and going back to sleep.

Rubbing her temple with her free hand (the other arm is currently under Brandy), Monica tries to piece together the previous night and figure out how she ended up with a grown woman holding onto her for dear life. She looks down again and says a quick thanks that they're still clothed, although Monica notices that Brandy's skirt has risen up a bit and the top two buttons of her blouse are undone.

Her memory is hazy at best but she vaguely remembers sitting next to Brandy at the bar of the hotel they were currently at. Brandy had stalked away to the bar after a heated argument with their tour management. By the time Monica sat down next to her, Brandy had already thrown back 2 shots of Scotch Whiskey and was about to throw back a third. Monica gave the older woman a once-over. She wasn't used to seeing Brandy so...loose . No...that wasn't the right word... personable.

Brandy was always poised and in control whenever Monica was around her and to see her throwing back shots without a wince or a care intrigued her. Monica decided to follow in Brandy's footsteps and took some shots of her own. She caught up with Brandy and soon enough they had just about finished the entire bottle between them.

Somehow Brandy was able to buy the almost empty bottle and the other they had in stock from the bartender before they headed back to their hotel rooms. Wanting to keep her tipsy state going, Monica invited Brandy to her room to continue their Scotch adventure and they'd ended up sharing the second bottle between them in the sitting area of her suite.

For the first time, the two women actually talked without tearing each other down. Monica wouldn't be Monica if she didn't throw the occasional barb but for once there was no malice behind her words. They'd spoken about their petty feud and concluded that it was incredibly dumb, to either of them and as a person.

Brandy disclosed that she was initially attracted to Monica's love for her craft and was excited to be working with someone who understood and loved music the way she did. It wasn't until the industry had pitted the two young women against each other in almost every blog and every magazine that they started to develop a literal beef.

Brandy confessed that she couldn't even enjoy her Grammy award because of the history behind her attaining the award. She had always viewed it as a sick twist of events, some big cosmic joke that everyone was in on but her. Brandy was receiving one of the highest accolades for her contribution to music and she had to share it with a person who had downright disrespected and disregarded her.

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