Revolution Revolt

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He felt rather silly, sitting there squished between the other men in the not so spacious van. Every bump on the road sent him jumping slightly and he was slightly embarrassed at how he was flung around while the others sat still like solid rock. No one really cared though, they were much too busy trying to pass the time with random things. He was always awkward with new people. Not necessarily shy, but awkward. Even though he'd sometimes seen them or even exchanged sentences in his 9 months of training very few bothered to acknowledge the rookie. He supposed that he'd get some attention while he kicked ass in combat, he could hardly wait until they arrived!

"Hey Trista, are you bored?" One man finally spoke up to him and the blond responded at once straightening up noticeably.  

"Well duh!" He replied whole heartedly and melted into his familiar grin. The other man, Kim if he remembered correctly, nodded with a snort and pulled out a worn magazine from his pants pocket. Trista just stared when it was offered to him. It had a black and white cover with some fancy symbol on it, he had never been one for reading neither magazines nor books. 

"Um I don't..." He trailed off and didn't need to continue when Kim laughed out loud catching the attention of every soldier in the small space. 

"Aw how cute, Rookie is a virgin!" The man cackled and Trista felt his face go beet red when the magazine was opened and a young looking woman in a very suggestive position was shown to him. Did he mention she was naked? 

"H-Hey! We're not here for that kind of stuff! Anyway, I'm only 18!" He shouted half-hearted and then silence screamed at him. 

"Really? I thought you were older!" Another man said with humor and ruffled the blondes curly hair. "That's even cuter!" He laughed and once again snickers went through the dirty van. Trista tried to frown but ended up smiling while holding back a chuckle. 

"I look old? Now that makes me sad." He grinned even wider and received a friendly slap in the back. 

"Don't worry about that kiddo, where we are going that stuff won't matter." It was one of the older soldiers, he was sure that his name was Yung and he was grade 4.  

"Have all of you been here before?" He asked eyeing their uniforms which he had yet to recieve.  

"Everyone but you and me." Another voice spoke up, this guy he'd seen often but never caught his name, but he was only a year or two older than himself. And just like himself he wore brown boots and grey pyjama like pants and shirt. The young man beamed at him almost reaching his own level of happy-go-luckiness, his brown eyes lightening when Trista returned it. Heh, no one escaped the happiness of Trista Rish! "I'm Andy by the way!" The black haired boy continued while stretching out his hand towards him. Trista took it and said his own name in return.  

Suddenly the van came to a stop and this time everyone was caught of guard and bumped into eachother, thus Trista none too gracefully crashing into Kim went unnoticed. A collective sigh of relief went through the cramped space in the back of the van when the door was opened and fresh air reached them. Trista was among the first who jumped out to stretch his stiff legs and take in his surroundings. 

They were in a camp surrounded by a high spiked-wire fence, though outside of it the view of a lively forest lightened up the closed off feeling. The camp itself was pretty damn huge, with the training area taking up half of it. Then there were the twelve barracks that were identical and lined up symmetrically, and the main building towering high and casting a shadow over half of the shooting range. He watched soldiers sprinting across the running field and others practicing target shooting. Oh yes, he'd enjoy this for sure. Only seconds later a huge buff man walked up to them and introduced himself as their captain William. He sternly eyed each man and stopped when he came to Trista. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2013 ⏰

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