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I do not have a NovelHD account. If you see this and you're on NovelHD, this is stolen! Do not support NovelHD, they steal stories and proceed to make money off of them.

NovelHD is known for stealing random books from wattpad. They don't need much reads in order for them to be on there, the stealing is done by bots.

Instead of taking this and my other books down, I've decided to put this warning at the beginning of my books. They'll publish this anyways since the bot just thinks it's another chapter.

I'm an aspiring author and it pains me to see not just mine but other people's works being stolen. If anyone knows anything to get novelhd taken down, let me know and I'll be glad to sign or do whatever it takes.

For this book specifically, if they've stolen it then it's even more disgusting. This is a fanfiction of an amazing game series and they shouldn't be making any profit off of it.

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