So we meet

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Sapnap and George were in the kitchen talking, until sapnap asked if George could get him some berries so he can make a pie, sapnap started a baker not so long ago and George comes by sometimes to help. George said sure and went on his way to get ready

(5 mins later) George pov

I got my basket and left, once I got there I started to pick the ones that weren't to squishy. After I picked a couple I could feel a person starting at me. I looked around only seeing a mask on the floor. Dream? .. no he left a long time ago. I grabbed the mask and finished getting the berries. I headed home to we're sapnap was in a apron and already having his pie crust done. I saw Karl, a common customer talking to sapnap. Karl was very nice from what I know, him and sapnap and this other person rickety was it? Clickity? "How is quackity" sapnap asked Karl. Oh-  I put the basket in the counter and then walking back home. Through the woods, it was safer now. Dream wouldn't let me walk back alone when he was around, but that was because he was a target to many. I was almost home until I hear few leaves move.

I take out my sword and turn around seeing- dream? No. Well it looked like him but this person had more of a magical thing to them. Still taking back I drew up my sword ready to fight. Then it spoke saying "you won't be needing that" and snapped his fingers making my sword shatter into piece. Why does it sound like dream I said taking a step back. .. "Dream?" I said stumbling on my words. The thing started to laugh, I felt embarrassed so I yelled at it to stop laughing and answer the question.

"Do you want me to be dream.. Georgie"  said by the god. "What do mean by that?" I  asked while trying to sound a little scary. The god soon changed into dream, I was lost for words. Was it him? Is that my dream? I ran up to hug him only to feel a different kinda person. It wasn't dream. It looked like dream but just wasn't him. I backed up looking up, I went up to take off the mask only to be pushed to the ground.  "What the hell" I yelled, the god didn't take a liking to how I was taking. I saw the god turn back to its original form, but this time it's eyes were glowing green, I got an off feeling from this and started running back to sapnap house.

No pov

George was running fast, getting hit by a few branch's. He saw sapnap house, making his way to his door until he fell into the void. George yelled in fear of dying. He noticed he stop falling and was just floating. He started yelling for sapnap until he saw the void hole close. George started to panic not knowing what to do next. An hour went by, eventually the god showed up, "let me go" George said Almost stumbling up on his words.
"I TURN INTO A SOMEONE FOR YOU AND THIS IS THE THANKS I GET?" Said the god. George felt the void shaking and tearing apart. The god watched as George panic trying to look for a way out. The god smiled seeing how George went back to them. The god put both his hands on George face "your very beautiful to be on this planet" the god said smiling. George was taking back, "what do you mean? I look like any other human" George said , the god protesting explain how George was different. "Aren't you human" George asked. The god bursted out laughing, "me a human? Tell me George, have you seen someone able to do the things I did" the god said getting little full of himself. George took the god hands off and backed up. "What are you then?" George asked trying to see behind the mask. "IM A GOD" the god said. George felt himself  falling, George tried to understand why a god was here. Eventually the void turned into a room. A huge room to be corrected. With walls that never end, a bed that look like it could fit the world population and still have room, everything was just huge. The god went into his true form, George watched as he saw the god get taller. George was terrified, he booked it and hide behind some books in the book shelf. The god was furious "George come out right now or else" ... the god said while throwing stuff.

George pov

I can't leave now, he seems piss and I don't wanna risk anything. I tried to see what the god was doing. It looks to be a mess, glass was broken and wood pieces were scattered around. I was going back to hide until I felt the book shelf tip over, I made a run out before it fell on me. That's when the god saw me, I panicked trying to look for a new hiding spot until I felt myself grow. "What's happening to me?" I  asked freaking out. I was still shorter then the god but not small.

No pov
The god pushed George on the bed


The god took the knife and slid it onto George leg, George cried in pain begging the god to stop. Soon the god did after making a few now slits, the god craved for George. The god licked the blood off that was pouring out. George blushed at this and backed up in pain.


The god grabbed George on the thigh where a few cuts were. George whimpered a little feeling the pressure on the cuts. The god kissed George neck, slowly moving down, George would have moved away but something about this made him wanna stay. It felt like dream. He miss this feeling. George wrapped his legs around the god and rubbed up against it. The god love this, George felt the pleasure that was coming and was about to cum until he felt the gods hands remove George legs that were helping him rub up against him. George was upset and begged the god to let him continue what he was doing. The god didn't answer but slowly undid George clothes, George looked away shy and asked "can you change into dream..?" The god did, this time tho without the mask. George missed him even though he did feel hatred towards dream. The god got to George pants and slid their hand in, George moaned as the god wrapped their hand around George member. The god feel more in love with what sounds George was making then making him scream in fear. George was coming close again, he took off Everything and praised the god. "It feels so good dream~" George said. The god kisses George, pushing their tongue all the back making George kinda choke. George never knew he had a thing for choking but he definitely knows now . George soon had cum. The god stopped kissing George, they were gonna send George back but George begged him to continue this. George wanted as much time to see dream face, he didn't know the next time he was gonna see him. The god laughed at the boy who was begging. And said "you had enough gogy, I think it's Time for you to head back. George pleaded, "please! One more time, please I'll do anything" the god was interested in the last part. "Anything?" The god asked
Slowly moving its hands down George body. George was waiting for more, "YES ANYTHING JUST PLEASE" George said while trying to touch the god. The god laughed at the boy. He showed a contract to George, George didn't even read it and just signed it knowing once he did they would continue. The god smiled and undid its clothes, the god shoved it self in George. George moaned in pain but some pleasure. The god was rough with George, like as if the god knew George wouldn't leave them, Although they both knew it wasn't a healthy thing they both didn't care. The god was now pounding into George, George leg was shaking and he was throwing his head back. The god wasn't planing on stopping until he knew the boy was completely fulfilled. The god pulled out, George was wimping from the lost of not being whole. The god sat back up against the bed board and put George between their legs. "Go on". George Already knew and started sucking the god off. The god moaned and started shoving if more down George throat. George was choking and he loved it. The god was now close and George could tell, George sucked faster and harder making the god cum. George swallowed it and the god put George on his stomach. George was catching breath, he could tell the god was ready to move on but George was tired, the god the memo and cleaned both of them up. George tried to say  he wasn't tired but he was. The god didn't listen and-

George pov
I woke up to sapnap panicking. I sat up, I asked "what's wrong", he turned around and hugged me, "Karl found you in the woods! You were past out and you have XD on youre neck..?" Sapnap said, I was confused by what XD meant. George decided to change the subject and asked "is the pie done?" Sapnap grabbed both of them a sliced and ate together.

HEY THANK YOU FOR READING! <3 1625 words >:)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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