Chapter thirteen. ((edited))

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When their order was served, they ate. Irene observed her while eating. She handled the knife elegantly, no noise of the utensil was heard. She was amazed.

Irene cleared her throat. "So, Seul... I want to be taking you out on dates regularly and I want to ask what ideal dates you want. I wanted it a surprise but I might disappoint you." Seulgi smiled. "No need to worry about me getting disappointed. Just surprise me. I love surprises, as much as I love you." Seulgi then leaned forward and kissed her nose.

They finished eating and Seulgi excused herself to go the restroom.

She wanted to give Irene a locket but still got nervous.

She fixed her composure in front of the mirror, licked her lips and exhaled deeply. "Irene, please accept this locket. It's a gift." Seulgi practiced herself in the mirror, but she frowned. She thought she sounded insincere.

"Irene, this is a locket. Here." Her brows furrowed. That even sounded worse.

"Irene, please accept this. I beg you." She looked at herself in disbelief and thought it was hopeless. She wasn't so sweet unlike Irene. But whenever Irene flirted at her, her responses were spontaneously perfect.

"Irene, accept this locket as a token of apprecia—"

She felt a hand with a handkerchief covered her mouth and the other hand gripped tight on her body and arms. She tried to get out of the grip, but it was too strong. Later, the aroma from the handkerchief made her feel dizzy. And she dropped the locket with Irene's picture in it and an engraved name.

Two men pretended to fight outside to distract other people so that the person who got Seulgi could run away without gaining attention.

The person was wearing a black cap, black shirt and basically looking like a criminal, but people around it was busy looking at the two men battling each other. Security was trying to stop them, but they were twice as big as the security, that they couldn't be stopped.

She was then put in a van. Her legs caught the man's eyes. Then he whistled and two men inside stopped and ran out of the restaurant as their mission was done.

Irene was bothered as Seulgi hasn't returned yet. When she went to check on her, she found nothing but a locket on the ground with her name on it. She picked it up and saw her picture inside. She teared up. Her heart raced as her guts were telling her Seulgi was in trouble.

The three men drove to the countryside. It took about two hours.

After Irene went to see no Seulgi in the bathroom, she dialed the cops and have a search operation on Seulgi. It was clearly kidnap because Seulgi wouldn't just leave and the dropped locket was the only evidence. The people in the restaurant were interrogated and said that at the estimated time of Seulgi's disappearance, there were men fighting. Irene thought it was distraction. Who would kidnap Seulgi?


Seulgi was slowly regaining consciousness and to have discovered she was feeling cold. She was laying on a layer of grass and knew she had no clothes on as the grass tickled her body.

The man was above her, her hands were tied and there was a ripped fabric tied on her mouth, too. Only her muffled voice was heard.

"There, there, baby. You're so hot." He roamed his hands on her body and on her area. Tears escaped her eyes and she was struggling but the man's force above her was stronger.

He then inserted his inside hers which she groaned and cried harder. It was painful.

"Holy crap, baby, you're a virgin." He held onto her breasts and played with them. Seulgi was weak and crying was her only escaped from the pain she's feeling. The man thrusted a couple of times before releasing his juice inside her. Then he buckled up and stood up.

"What a lucky day, she's a virgin, dude." And with that, the other two men unbuckled their belts and other one positioned himself on top of Seulgi as the other stroke his while watching her.

When they were done, she was struggling to keep herself alive. They threw her clothes at her while leaving her in her worst state. Hair messed up, she was cold, and blood was everywhere. The other guy wanted to kill her, but the other stopped him by patting him on his shoulder.

"Ms. An said just fuck her. Not kill her." He grunted, looking at Seulgi then turned away. "Okay, let's go."

The other left and the other one crouched down to Seulgi. He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Bye, beautiful. You tasted good." Then he left.

She wanted to cry but she couldn't anymore, her throat dried and shivers were on her spine. She wanted to scream, run and hide. But she was weak. She thought she was dying. She lost to consciousness.

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