Chapter seventeen. ((edited))

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During Yeri's first month, Irene was really gentle with her because she was afraid Yeri might get hurt. Whenever she carries Yeri, her hand stiffens and Seulgi laughs.

Seulgi and Irene took turns in staying up at night and because of that, Seulgi had to store breastmilk for Yeri to drink when it was her turn to sleep.

Because Irene was curious, she tried tasting the milk herself. And she made a face. It was tasteless. Irene couldn't wait to plan for their wedding, but Yeri was just too small, so again, they shrugged the thought off and decided to just wait until Yeri's big enough.

Yeri was spoiled when it comes to her grandparents' love. They gave her lots of toys already even if she was just a month old.

There were nights that Irene looked like a total mess and jammed to nursery rhymes. Especially 'twinkle twinkle little star'. She made her own version and rapped about it and when Seulgi heard it, she laughed at how adorable Irene was. She acted more like a mother to Yeri than Seulgi was. Probably because of her trauma. Whenever she sees the child, she feels something painful inside of her.

Yeri was seven and a half months then.

There were times that Irene tasted baby food because, again, she was curious. She said that it tasted like baby vomit and was utterly disgusted.

"Why try it, when you can already see how disgusting it is?" Seulgi said but Irene rolled her eyes. "And yet you tried feeding it to our baby?!" Seulgi was touched how Irene was really a mother to her. She even entitled Yeri as their child. She sometimes think that Irene should've gotten married to a man instead of her because she looked like she wanted to be a mother the way she treated Yeri.

"Mamamamama." Yeri mumbled and Irene shot up with her eyes widened. "You called me." She then turned to Seulgi who was preparing her milk. Seulgi scoffed. "Excuse me, Miss Irene, but I'm her mama. So, she called me." Seulgi pointed at herself and emphasizing the word 'me'. But Irene didn't accept it.

They bickered for a while until Yeri got annoyed with the noise and she cried. Irene turned to Seulgi. "You're the mama, right? Then hush her."

"No, you said you're the mama. Then you do that." They bickered again and Yeri kept crying. Irene grabbed Yeri and carried her in her arms. "There, there, my daughter." Then Irene made a hush noise. Slowly, Yeri's cries died down.

Seulgi just looked at them. They looked like the ideal family Seulgi wished for. She was very lucky to have such a good, caring and loving wife.

She made Yeri fall asleep and put her in the crib. Then she turned to Seulgi, who was still smiling at her. She was getting more and more in love with her. Irene nudged her. "What's the smile about, Kang?" It took seconds for Seulgi to have the words Irene said, sink in her mind. Her lips curved to smile.

"Well, I'm so lucky. I have the perfect wife and daughter. There's nothing I could ask for." Then they kissed. It has been a while since they've done kissing. But they've done nothing more but that. Irene was scared because it might remind Seulgi of her past, and Seulgi was scared because she thinks Irene would be disgusted of her. But little did they know, they were anticipating for that moment to come.


"Kang Seulgi!" Irene yelled from the nursery. Seulgi rushed to see what the emergency was.

She just saw Irene holding Yeri but had wet yellow poop all over her shirt, shorts, legs and arms. Irene was really disgusted at that but she was holding on to Yeri because the poop may spread everywhere else if she put Yeri down.

"Look at what she did." Seulgi bursted into laughter before she took Yeri from Irene's arms. "Wow, such bad luck." She then left Irene grunting. She took Yeri to their bathroom.

She took of Yeri's clothes and diaper. Then she opened the tap and heater to have warm water for Yeri. As the tub was filled, she put in Yeri and started laughing remembering Irene's hilarious face.

"You did a good job there, baby girl. Mommy is proud of you." And the baby giggled as if she understood.

When she finished bathing Yeri, she came out of the bathroom with the wrapped Yeri on her arms and saw Irene inside, already bathed and her body was wrapped in a towel.

She eyed her back and Irene didn't notice Seulgi was staring at her.

When she turned, she flinched as she was slightly shocked to see her.

"Well, I guess I'd be needing Irene energy today." Irene's body started to heat up as she heard it. She was getting aroused.

"Stop it, the baby's listening." Seulgi smirked. "Yeri doesn't understand that."

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