Chapter eighteen. ((edited))

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Warning mature content ahead, but who cares, you'll read it anyways. Enjoy. :))


(It was 6 in the evening)

"Right. Yeri doesn't understand... B-but..." Irene stuttered as Seulgi came close. But then she looked at Yeri, who was looking at her at well.

Seulgi winked. "I'll have her watched by my mom." Then she left and Irene was left stunned, shocked and speechless. She then put the tip of her fingers on her lips. She internally screamed, Oh my fuck! I'm really having it. But she was partly worried. Is Seulgi ready though?

Seulgi called her mother over to ask her to watch over baby Yeri. "But where are you going?"

She breathe in before saying, "Irene and I just need to do something." She believed that her mom got what she meant. And heard a long 'oh' from the other line. "I'll take Yeri from there."

"Thanks." She couldn't ask her in-laws (still engaged) because they were in Italy for their business. As usual, they were always away, that's why Irene was kind of bitchy because she always was desperate for her parents' attention. And they couldn't give her what she wanted, instead they just spoil her with material gifts and money. Tons of money.

It took a good 15-minute travel time for Mama Kang to reach the mansion. During that time, Seulgi had the baby bag prepared. And when they were ready to leave, Seulgi kissed both their foreheads.

"Take care, both of you." Then Mama Kang left with baby Yeri, smiling at Seulgi.

When the car was out of sight, Seulgi rushed upstairs. But when she was close, she was slightly nervous.

She then opened the door, to see no Irene on sight. She sighed and threw herself on the bed. Thinking she'd mess up their first night of passion.

Then Irene appeared from the bathroom, on her sexiest lingerie. Seulgi's cheeks flushed red. Now, she felt something weird in her belly, much weirder when she had Yeri inside. Irene proceeded to lock the door.

"My, my, Kang. You still don't know how to lock doors even at this moment. Anyone could come on in on us." Seulgi realized that and got slightly embarrassed. But all that embarrassment was gone when Irene climbed on the bed, crawling towards Seulgi.

She leaned close enough to hear Seulgi's heavy breathing. "Excited much?" Seulgi just bit her lip and nodded.

Then she raised Seulgi's chin using her index and kissed her. At that moment, everything felt serene and wonderful. Boy, if Irene was a man, or if she was, Yeri could've had a sibling.

They both kissed whilst Irene roamed her fingers around.

But Seulgi wasn't satisfied. She wanted to do it, not Irene. So she flipped them. But not knowing what to do, she just smiled in confusion and scratched her head. "Declaring to be a top but then you don't know what to do. Just do as you please." Irene scoffed.

Seulgi obeyed. She let her hands roam freely on Irene's body. She wasn't aroused until she let her hands do its magic. But at some point, she felt awkward. They both laugh it off and continue. Until it was all love and lust engulfing their bodies and hormones were at a rampage. No laughter in between.

They had to break the kiss to be able to remove their clothes and Seulgi slowly laid Irene back down. "I'm sorry if I'm a little awkward." She then kissed her and her kisses got lower to her neck, collarbone, chest, breasts. She stopped by at the breasts and Irene felt tickled and aroused at the same time. Seulgi played with her nips and continued kissing lower. Then to her belly. She felt Irene breathed in, and her belly tightened. But she went to kiss lower. Then she got to the thighs, she kissed them side by side and she heard Irene gasped when her tongue got to the most exciting part of her body, her clit.

Seulgi started licking them in circles until Irene felt tingly. Seulgi then stopped and slid her finger from her area to her clit, making it all wet. Then she slipped in one, then two, and finally three fingers in. Irene moaned. She was getting accustomed to the fingers slipping in and out. Then Seulgi continued licking, even if she was sensitive.

She fingered and licked her until she felt like she was going to pee. Then Seulgi fastened the pace until she saw a white sticky liquid on her fingers whilst sliding it in and out, her clit also stiffened as she was about to cum.

When she came, her legs wiggled and knees got weak. Seulgi then planted kisses on her body, leaving love hickies as it was Irene's first with Seulgi.

"Hey? I'm like really tired now, Kang. I'll fuck you later, I just need to sleep right now." Seulgi chuckled and kissed her on the lips.

"No need to fuck me back, all I want is seeing you satisfied." Seulgi suddenly slipped in a finger and Irene gasped.

"Hey! What was that for?" Then she took it and sucked the finger. "When I said I wanted Irene energy, it meant drinking your juice."

Then they both wore their underwears and shirts before they cuddled to go to sleep.

"Hold up, I'll give my mom a call first."

"Okay." Seulgi then got up and grabbed her phone on the nightstand. She searched for her mom's contact then dialed it. She then pressed it onto her ear to listen to the ringing.

"Hello, Kang Seulgi." A man's voice said to the other line. And that voice was familiar.

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