Chapter nineteen. ((edited))

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She shot up from the bed and stood up, walking back and forth, biting her nails.

"Where is my mother?!" Irene was shocked by the tone of her voice. She then got worried and walked to Seulgi's side.

Seulgi pressed the record button and put it on speaker.

"Oh, Mama Kang is here with baby Kang. They're gorgeous, too. Especially baby Kang. What's her name?" Little did he know, that the baby was his. It was the rapist who called her. And this time, he kidnapped her mother and daughter.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on them or I will burn you alive!" Irene was worried, she saw Seulgi shaking and breathing heavily. I think it triggered her past memories and came her panic attack.

"Oh, I won't. But abide by my rules, and they'll be left unharmed."

"What is it that you want? You want me? Go ahead. Just don't motherfucking hurt my daughter and my mother!" He laughed from the other line. He sounded psycho (yes, SOTY).

"Come here. Alone. No cops, no guards, no one else. Just you. Bring ₩2,000,000,000 along with you, too."

"Let me talk to my mom."

"Clock's ticking. I'll text you the address." Then he hung up. Seulgi sighed and Irene supported her because she was about to fall down.

"Why can't I ever have peace?" Irene just rubbed her back. She contacted her father and the Baes as well.

Her father said he'll send over the best securities and he'll go with them to search and Seulgi was brave enough to decline. Just as she promised to that criminal, 2 billion won and herself would be enough to get her daughter and mother back. But Irene thought it was dangerous, they needed a backup plan in case.

Seulgi received a message from the man and the address led to an old asylum. He was indeed a psycho, but not just a psycho, also a monster, too. (Stream!)

Seulgi put on pants, a shirt and a leather jacket. She didn't care about what to wear anymore, she just prayed for their safety over and over. The Baes told Irene to withdraw the ₩2,000,000,000 on their savings account and Irene did what they said. Seulgi hid a pistol on her jacket's pocket.

Seulgi and Irene went to the bank with a big briefcase, ready to stuff in the cash.

Seulgi did her best to distract Irene so that she could go alone. And she did. Irene was waiting in line for a cup of lemonade because Seulgi told her to get one because she reasoned out that she was really thirsty. But that was her way of tricking her. She went to the car, leaving Irene in the store. Irene didn't notice, until she was to go back with the lemonade on her hand.

Irene dropped the cup as she saw no car outside. What was even worse was that she left her phone in the car and she only had her wallet with her. So she tried to borrow other people's phones to dial an emergency.


Seulgi held on the briefcase tightly. She was nervous and felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

She entered the place with her knees shaking.

"Such a good girl you are, Kang." A man appeared from the shadows. He wore a black mask but Seulgi was still able to identify his face. His face during raping her.

"Where are they?" He smirked. "You think I'm a fool enough to just let them go?"

Seulgi stomped, she wanted to take out the pistol so badly, but that was for later. She was really angry and wanted to punch and kick his balls for not keeping the promise.

"Hand over the briefcase, Kang." Then he looked at her. Her clothing showed her figure. She still had a good figure after giving birth to Yeri. And he eyed her like his mouth was watering.

"Oh, before that. Surrender yourself."

"Show them first."

"Just do as-"

"It's not that hard to keep the word." He sighed in frustration and went back to the darker side of the room. He went back with her mother and her daughter on his arms. He kicked her mother on the floor and her daughter cried as she was shocked by the noise.

"Now, come." Seulgi did what he said. She couldn't risk anything else. He was holding Yeri.

Seulgi stepped forward with her right hand holding the briefcase and her other hand was inside the pocket, holding on the pistol just in case.

He then grabbed her and placed Yeri on the floor. The baby cried harder and she had the opportunity to kick his groins. He kneeled down, grunting in pain.

Seulgi ran to Yeri then to her mother who was clearly crying. She took off the fabric hat covered her mouth and quickly untied her.

"Seul!" She turned to see Irene.

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