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I sat down in class looking around
for my friend Florence, I looked through the window a bunch of student suround someone yelling 'fight'.
I shoved my way through to see what was going on.
When I got to the front I saw Florence and kartisha.
I ran straight in and shoved Kartisha on the floor then the crowed got louder, I was lucky I mew how to kick box.
She got straight up punch my lip I felt the blood pour which made me even more angry.
I held my fist up and hooked her then kicked her in the gut.
Blood rushed down her oval head after she hit the ground.
"Run Skylar!"forence grabbed my arm as we ran Dow the hallway.
We sat down in our hang out under one of the old buildings.
Katishas gang went around the school looking for use luckly the princapal found us first.
She was grumpy old lady. "It unexseptable behavior!!"she sinned
"I just keeper my mouth shut before we get into more troubel .
She hated my guts"you have been into trouble too many times so I'm gonna have to expell you"she kinda grimm
"No you wount u don't even know what happen beside lies"
I walked out the door and went home.
I try to be quiet but she was at me as soon I got through the door.
"Why do u always get into shit aye?,you need to fix your act you little short!now you have start a new friggin school!"mum yelled iny face
"Why dosnt anyone listen!!wounded why dad left you cause you could never listen to him and I'm not the 'perfect child' that you'd want!!"
Tear fell Fromm my eyes.
I was sick of it I couldn't stay here anymore.
I grabbed my bagg and chucked cloths and stuff I needed I ran to the fridge and grabbed some alcohol and ran out the door.
"Skylar get yo ass back here!!"i could hear my mum screaming hear mum scream from the door.
I ran as fast as I could to Florence house.
We sat in her tree house I swolled down alcohol and Florence was just there trying to help me I tried to climbed down without falling.
It was getting blurry and dark as soon as I got to her bedroom door.

Problems After Problems(Nash Grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now